Wednesday, January 10, 2024



Peppermint came into rescue in December.  
Peppermint's owner went into hospice and she needed help.   Betsy and her husband went to get her to foster her.  
Bandit is the resident Peke there, and we were told that Peppermint wanted to be an only dog.   HMMMM
They would look at each other-- like it was a stand off.  
And then, on Christmas Day, they were on the same bed.  
Even closer!   They are getting along fine now.   
Peppermint loves a soft bed.  
She loves blankets to curl up on.   
She found a lot of cuddle places.  
Add a few toys and she's even happier.
Now she's getting serious about curling up in -- and under-- the blankets.
Peppermint is about 9 years old.   She will have a dental after she finishes the rest of her medical tests.  
Her foster mom wrote this, "She has certainly settled in and made herself right at home 🏡 She spends most of her day going from bed to bed, in true princess fashion. She's quite a lounger, but don't count her out for 20 minutes of zoomies and playtime a day. She is completely house-trained (take notes Bandit 😒) and loves her morning/evening walks. She LOVES her dog food and has a healthy appetite. Wait for it...she actually LIKES Bandit and they are getting along wonderfully. Sometimes they just need a little time to adjust 🥰 There's truly only one word to describe her...PERFECT 💖."
Welcome to rescue sweet Peppermint.  

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like Christmas to make a friend - hey Peppermint!

    Peppermint is so pretty .... doing my Adoption Dance for her right now!!!
