Monday, February 26, 2024


Chello (teeth showing) and Symphany came into rescue after being put in a shelter by their original owner.   They were adopted, but brought back.  
When we saw their picture, we knew we needed to help them.
They had been cut short and needed to gain weight.  
They settled into their foster home.
They are so sweet.  
Symphany is smaller-- look at those eyes.
They were both introduced to their new foster family and did great.   They all wait patiently for dinner without any squabbling. 
We see you Symphany.
This is right after rescue-- their hair is growing in, and they are gaining weight.
There's nothing like being safe.   They are a 13 year old pair who would love to have a forever home.    They will have their dental and then will be ready to go.   

1 comment:

  1. I will Never know how people do this!

    They are both so sweet Linda and I am doing my Adoption Dance right now for the Pretty Pair!
