Tuesday, April 2, 2024


What can I say?  I love the seniors.   When there's one in need, I just want to help.   I read something on a California rescue that I'm going to use here.   It's Dogwood Animal Rescue Project.  They do amazing work.  I give credit to them for everything in quotes.  

"We love all animals but we have such a soft spot for the hard luck abandoned seniors. The old ones who have clearly had a rough life. Many have likely lived their entire lives outside, denied the love, comfort and care they deserve, and then tossed aside. When we rescue a senior, it’s their last chance to live a beautiful life. Their last chance to know love." 

"Rescuing these long-neglected seniors is often more expensive."  (Minnie came in with three others.  She was a senior, and so were the others who came with her.)   
"They frequently need initial dental care, blood work, mass removal etc,"   (Zoey came as a senior.  We found out she had bone cancer, but she was my girl and lived with me.  Gosh, I miss her-- she was so precious. )
"They are harder to find homes for. So why do we do it?"   (This was Lexie-- she wasn't a senior, but was in horrific shape.   Rescue gave her so much love and care."   
Why do we rescue them?  "Because they deserve it."  (Sissy came as a senior-- she was older and we found out she had a brain tumor.   She lived her life playing, being loved until her body decided she was done."  
Clara was a tiny 8 pounder who was returned to a shelter after she had been adopted for awhile.   She hadn't received care.   She finished her life with me-- oh I loved her so much.   (She was another one with a brain tumor.)
Granger is a senior-- but he wasn't when he came.   He's about 11 now, and was adopted by my daughter.    He needs heart meds now, and he's getting love and care that he never had before.   He's a lucky one   He found the loving family he didn't have before.   But, many don't have that wonderful family.  
Cinnamon was about 8 when she came.  She was not a young one, but she was also terrified of everything.  On top of it, she was very sight impaired.   As long as she's here, or I'm close, she is fine.   She's getting eye care and we're working on her anxiety.   She is here with Tolstoy, her "cousin" who she sees pretty often.    But, Paddington is her seeing eye dog.   As long as he's with her outside, she can get around.   If he's not there, she is lost.  It's okay.   I'm there for her.  
Seniors like Lex and Dallas (they were 10-11) came to us when their owner could no longer care for them.  Unlike most, these two had been well cared for and loved.   They are also so sweet.   But, most of the dogs we get need a lot of medical care and it cost a lot.  Prices have gone up significantly in vet care, just like in everything else.   But, our rescue is determined to do what they need and then do our best to find them homes that will continue that care and give them a loving life.  

Yesterday was a long rescue day.   I was asked to help a dog that I was told was a Pekingese.   She had a severe leg injury, and we were the only rescue that would take her.  So many rescues and shelters are simply overwhelmed.   There have been a record number of animals in need, and we help where we can.   (That's not dirt, it's just staining in the sink.)  

I contacted some of the board and they said, "HELP HER!"   So, I picked her up and went immediately to the vet who was expecting us.   I won't post her injury pictures, they are too graphic.   The vet staff immediately set to work to help her.  They shaved her down and bathed her to sooth her filthy and matted skin. 

 And she was SO sweet!   All 12 pounds of her.   She will have laser treatment to help her leg heal, and she will stay in my vet for a few days to make sure she is okay.   She on a lot of medication to help her heal.   We are going to go step by step in her care, doing what she can handle when she can handle it.   Rescue takes patience, and love, and great vets and foster care-- and then on to wonderful adopters who love the seniors like we do.   Stay tuned for more information on our new rescue.  


  1. Oh I am so happy you got her and she is at your Vets Linda.

    In Australia where I live people are handing in their pets too. High cost of living is everywhere .
    I hope this sweet one can find a new home and be as healthy as she can.

  2. These sweet babies are so blessed that you are on their side and care for them. ❤️❤️
