Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Snow Pea
I got up early yesterday and took Snow Pea for her spay surgery.  We arrived at 8:00, all set.  No food, no breakfast.   
But they called a few hours later and after giving her light sedation before surgery, they shaved  her tummy and were all set to do surgery.   But... they found a faded tattoo.   That meant that wherever she was spayed a tattoo was put on to show it.   It was so faded though, that they barely saw it.  
I went to pick her up and her tongue was hanging out and she was still drowsy.   I carried her outside once we got home.  
All the dogs checked her out.  Even Paddington.   
"Are you okay?"
They were all concerned and stayed close.   Looi at Paddington's face.  So worried. 
Then she decided to rest on the porch and have a nap.
Later, the couch looked good.   I think she'll be totally awake tomorrow. :-)  

1 comment:

  1. When a dog has been de-sex here in Australia they tattoo a green circle on the inside of the left ear.
    Poor Snow Pea but at least she just had to "fast" and not have that surgery only to see its already been done.
