Wednesday, May 22, 2024


More adventures.  
I told you where some of my family members were-- Canada, Missouri, Wales UK, and S. Africa.   
Magoo takes us on more adventures.  He was rescued in October of 2020.   Almost four years ago.  Wow.  
He goes so many places in Italy.   His family took him inside the plane when they moved there.   
Dogs are more welcome in places than here in the US.    So, he goes many restaurants, tourist places, Bed and Breakfasts with his parents.  
Wineries are visited often.  There are so many there and it's fun to see the different areas. He loves staying in special places and meeting a lot of people. 
I think he may bark with an Italian accent when he comes back to the states.  
 That could happen right?   LOL
Walking near the sea is fun and he gets a lot of attention.   

Have you taken your dog on out of country adventures?   Let us hear about it!  

1 comment:

  1. We are like the US.... not so easy to take a dog overseas and its hard to get them back as we have strict Rabies etc laws.

    I do love to see Magoo and his travels.... would make a great book!!!

    Hubby not so well with his second knee replacement but going on .
