Friday, May 24, 2024


Cinnamon must have heard me talking about poison ivy.   Is she giving me the stink eye?   (Or maybe she's just sleepy.)
It's summer now and we're outside more.   My grand dog Barty is here and he only goes a little in the yard.   He must have been a patio dog before my daughter rescued him because he's not a grass dog.   So, he's probably not going to encounter poison ivy.  

If you're a poison ivy reactor, you want to get to know what the leaves look like.   Some plants, like Virginia creeper can look similar.    I have found some in my yard and I get rid of it right away.   Most of the dogs are all over the yard, on the grass, on the mulch, in the English ivy.   So, I have to keep my eyes out for bad things.  
Poison ivy can grow on trees and look like thick hairy vines.   I have seen this on the trees outside fence next to our tiny creek.    If you react, don't ever touch this stuff.  My husband reacts badly to poison ivy.   I've never reacted.  (Not saying I won't though.)   If you do get these ropes down (better to do in cooler weather when it will grow back slower), NEVER burn in in a wood pile.  The smoke will be in the air you breath and that's big trouble.  
Some poison ivy grows on trees like a thin vine.   If you have this, just snip the bottom of the vine.  The rest will die.  
If you dog comes in contact with poison ivy, they may not react since they have thick coats.  If you've shaved your dog short, they could have skin contact and then react.   And if YOU touch their hair that has poison ivy oil on it, then you could get it from your pet.   
 Better to avoid it than to have to treat it.   (If you think your dog did get into some, wear gloves and bathe them.)   Keep your eyes open and watch for it.   And enjoy the warmer weather! 🌞

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully we do not have poison ivy here in Australia but we do have Wandering Jew -
    Tradescantia zebrina

    Dogs can come in contact with it and roll in it or just brush against it and they can get terrible skin allergic reactions !
    Some people grow it as a indoor plant !
    Keep it away from your dogs too .
