Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Snow Pea-- what can I say about this little girl.  She is just precious.   All 12 pounds of her.   You can see she's not a Peke-- I think she is Maltese-ShihTzu.   
She was so injured when she came to us that I thought she might lose her leg.  But, with incredible care at my vet clinic, she didn't lose it and she rarely even limps on it now. 
When she first came, she slept and slept and slept.   After being on her own, she just needed time to decompress.  Then, she began coming out more to be with us and the other dogs.  
She climbed up the ramp to the couch to be on my lap, or next to me.    She would go to Matt and put her feet on his leg to be picked up.  (We always did.)
Snow Pea would rest her head on me.  She felt safe and loved.   
Snow Pea must have been lost for a while, but I think she had been loved at some point.   And she will now be loved the rest of her life.   
When you are a foster mom, you have the chance to deeply love them.  And they learn to love you back.   And then, when they are well, you know you will be letting them go.  And that's what I'll be doing this Saturday.   My heart is a little heavy.   Snow Pea has come so far while with me.   I have watched her journey and her sweet, precious demeanor.   
I know her new mom will stay in touch with me.  We have been messaging a lot already as Snow Pea has been healing.   I will really miss her-- but I know I'll then have a spot to help another.  We never know when another will need us to help them heal like Snow Pea has done.  


1 comment:

  1. You will miss her Linda but she is heading to a lovely home and you will know what she is doing from time to time - that is great!
    Hard day on Saturday for you and Snow Pea but I know you will be ok - you have been there before . :)
