Saturday, June 15, 2024


It’s crazy here at Camp Runamuck.  Cinnamon says, “What’s happening!”
I usually have one baby gate at the stairs.  But Piper thought it would be fun to use his nose and open it. Then every dog could come up, too. 🤦‍♀️. Now there are two stair blocks. 
I decided to bathe Callie Hound.  Well, I had help with the hose.   So I bathed Gigi, the Chocolate Lab. 
Tuk Tuk and Tolstoy helped w her bath.  
So they got baths. (I blocked the porch door so their wet selves couldn’t come in.) 
Gigi decided it would be fun to roll her wet self on the mulch.  So she had to be rinsed again.  

Tolstoy said he was innocent.   He hadn’t planned any of this. 
I got them all closed into the porch.   And then a few went into the house.  They acted like they had been tricked.  
Toasty said “I see you out there!”
Barty slept through the whole bathing escapade. 
Gigi was exhausted and curled up in a Peke sized bed. 
When all was done, and I could sit down, I did a quick dog count.  Wait.  Granger was missing. I looked everywhere inside. Twice.   Went outside. Calling his name.  No Granger.  I came inside and finally found him on a vent behind a chair.  I quietly let my heart calm down and then finally stopped for a while.  
 Camp Runamuck is never boring.  🥰


  1. OMG it is Crazy at Camp Runamuck ..... I would be hiding with Grainger too!! lol

  2. Mischievous babies! I so enjoy reading about their antics ☺️
