Monday, June 10, 2024


Paulee came into rescue in March of 2023.   
His owners had died and the family wanted help finding a Pekingese loving home for him.   
Paulee's name had been PeeWee, but he needed something a little different.   When I told the previous owner's daughter what we renamed him, she cried.  Happy cried.  
She told me her eyes watered when she saw it.  We don't always know the little things we do that affect others and confirm that we made the right choice.   It touched my heart. The previous owners' grandkids are Ashlee, Emilee, Allee, and Maddee.  All end with a double "e"-- so his name change meant a lot to her.   Changing his name to Paulee just fit and made her happy.  
Paulee is adored in his new home.  He had two kids (one just graduated!) and two dog friends.  
His family has always had rescue dogs.   I just love this picture.  
Paulee had adjusted so well to his new home.  He has been in his new home over a year now.  
His mom said that on his birthday, they celebrated one of the greatest blessings in her life.  
She said, "Paulee Pablo Papa (they say the more you love your dog the more names they have)." ❤️
Paulee continues to live his best life.  His mom said, "He knows how to sit, lay down, speak, and reluctantly to give his paw (maybe with a little grumbling).   I love his Pekatude!  We love him so much and are so thankful for him!"  
 I love our adopters and getting updates on our fosters.   Paulee struck gold!  


  1. Yep..... Paulee did strike Gold !!!

  2. I love this story. Paulee (formerly known as Peewee) is precious.
