Saturday, July 27, 2024


In rescue, we've helped a lot of blind dogs.  Cinnamon is sight impaired, so not totally blind.  She amazes me with how well she does.   
Having her own seeing eye dog, Paddington, really helps her.  She's learned her way around and does well.    I carry her on steps though.  
My daughter's Barty (High Sheriff in Snackington) has lost most of his hearing and his sight.   But, he manages.  
Zoey had only one eye, and she didn't see well with the other, but she knew where I was at all times.   
Kai Kai, my heart dog, lost both his eyes after extensive surgeries to save them.  
Sightless dogs can be AMAZING.  
Benny, one of my beautiful foster dogs, was completely blind.  He learned his way around.  When he came back to visit 6 months later, he came in the door, ran down the hallway, turned right at the cabinet, left to the door, and down the porch stairs.  Rita and I were stunned-- he still remembered the layout of my house. 😀  What an incredible, beautiful boy he was.  

Do you have a blind dog?   International Blind Dog Day is coming up.  Show us your blind dogs.  Just post their picture and name in the comments-- and tell us if they have special abilities like Benny did.   We'd love to see them.  


  1. I have learnt from your rescue that Blind Dogs are amazing and cope really well..... I guess its their noses and smell!

  2. Abner the Pekingese Therapy Dog hasn't let blindness slow him down and still brings smiles everywhere he goes!
