Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I've been fostering for 21 years.  I won't be able to continue indefinitely because... 
well, I'm getting old.  It happens. 
But, that's not today.   Today, we have a happy bunch of dogs.   Callie is enjoying them all.   
The advantage of being a foster mom-- you're never bored!  Life is always changing, and you sure learn to be flexible.
You learn how to share.   Some might not like sharing, but foster dogs teach you that its really fun to share.  Like on the couch.  You'll probably get a few kisses while you do it.
You learn to use things that you didn't even know you had.  This is a crib side.  It makes a great dog separation during meals.   Many dogs would like the other dogs to share food with them.   But that's how you end up with fat dogs and skinny dogs.   Somebody is a thief.  LOL
When you foster, you end up with a lot of dog things.  Like xpens.   I have several.  They are great for new ones, or keeping some contained while you do errands.   They also double at painting racks.   Painting boards was made easier with this to hold up the board.  
My grooming table become a sawing area.   Perfect!  Just hope the table doesn't get sawed. 
When you foster, you meet the young and old, the healthy and the sick.  You meet some who only stay awhile, some who are there longer, and some never leave.  Some are too sick or traumatized to be moved again.  Birdie has so much interest and she is going visit one of our board members.  She might not come back!   I have a lot of interest in her and Olivia.  They are great applications-- but we can only choose one for each dog.  
Sometimes, you get surprised!   Like having albino Pekes.   We've had several in rescue.  You all know Toasty. 💗
When you foster dogs, you learn better ways to wash dogs-- your own and your fosters.   I had a large sink put in the kitchen.  I can't lean over a tub.  Somehow the window above the sink is always cleaned after a dog bath.  They like to share.  Birdie had surgery so I couldn't bathe her.   But I have doggy wipes and I used those on her.   She will need a full bath when her incision is healed enough.  
When you foster, you see joy almost daily.   Fosters are so grateful to be safe.  
And sometimes you have fosters who become very best friends.   They won't be adopted together, but they will have new friends I know.  
Some people can't foster-- they want to keep every one of them.  So, they have to stop.   And that's okay.   If you can let them go, you'll have the blessing of loving another Peke (or non Peke).   The dogs give back so much.   That's the biggest advantage of fostering-- all the love.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness there are people who foster dogs - you are all just so Wonderful and so many dogs are saved and have a chance of a loving home .
    It must be so hard at times but you are all Doggie Angels!!!
