Thursday, October 3, 2024


I can’t remember when I had just one dog.  
One dog?!  What is that like? 
Years and years ago, I always had two dogs.  One dog.  What was that?
For a while, I had Callie, Piper and Paddington.  And Cinnamon came.   She had so many stress issues that she has stayed.   She feels safe here.
The Three Musketeers. 
Four has become a more common number here.  
The Four Musketeers.  
They all get along so well.  
A lot of our adopted dogs have a friend.   Zeke (in front) is an only dog but he loves other dogs.  However, he has his own golf, lots of golfing friends, and a busy schedule.   Brock aka Big Daddy, has a sister and a brother.  And he's had foster siblings that he helps.  He's also a super dog.
Two by two is easy, three by three is great, four by four is an adventure.   Whatever you have in your home-- well, it's just right.  


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