Thursday, January 16, 2025


Paddington has officially declared me crazy. 

His entire life here has been one foster after another.  Usually 1 at a time. 
But this time I brought a crowd in.  
They’ve taken over Piper and Paddington’s ottoman. Tragedy!
But then, one tried to get in the bed w Paddington.  😳
And then another.  I knew what was coming so I quickly grabbed Paddington.  He was very content in my lap. 
The two left didn’t mind.  More room for them.

Another came!
Pretty soon the whole gang was in Paddington’s bed.  I told him some were leaving this week-end. That made him feel better. 😉


1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Paddington ...... your bed has been taken over !!!! lol
