Thursday, February 26, 2009

English Pekes

This is my English friend, Rita. I know her only through our Peke Rescue group. She lives in England, near Manchester.

Here she is with Tom. He's a show Peke and is beautiful! Below, is a picture of him as a baby.

This is Katie. She must like the snow! Look at her gorgeous mask on her face.
I asked Rita what Christmas was like in England. She said that like us in the USA, they also like to trim up. She trims all the bushes at the bottom of the garden with fairy lights. She said she didn't have as many indoors this past year, just the tree, christmas ornaments and garlands over the mirrors. Christmas morning her sons and daughter came and exchanged gifts. She said the post (mail) has been filled with more Christmas cards from family and friends. She had these on card holders decorating the hall. She had four Christmas stockings hung up: one for each peke and also two smaller ones for Jack and Jill the two kittens. She said they have had some lovely holidays in Scotland, the scenery is so beautiful. But, for the best scenery of all Cornwall can't be beat and it is warmer there also.
I've been to England, and loved it! I'd love to go to Scotland, too. For now, I'll enjoy the holiday through Rita! Here is a picture of part of her home during the holidays.
If I ever go back to England, I'm going to make a point of meeting Rita in person!!

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