Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chloe, Our Newest Rescue Dog

This is Chloe, our newest rescue dog in our group. She came into rescue and was very close to dying. She has "turned the corner" and is doing much better. She will need expensive and extensive care. She weighs under 9 pounds and needs to put on about 4 pounds. Then, she'll see an orthopedic specialist to look at her hips and knees. She has a sweet nature and we are doing all we can do help her. If you would like to read more on Chloe, please go to our web site.

One of our members has three very compassionate Pekes and they wanted to write Chloe a letter. Here it is:

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Dear Chloe,

Hello, we are Delilah, Angel Baby and Sassy Pants and we want to wish you well. We know that you are feeling very poorly and understand how that can feel. Sassy and Angel Baby have both been in your position, very sick, dirty, scared and surrounded by strangers. But you probably know by now that these strangers are going to help you, just like they did us. And if you are lucky, and patient, you will be rewarded with your very own loving forever mom, just like we did. So, you have a lot to go through yet, but you also have a lot of love to look forward to, as well. So here’s to you feeling better real soon and that you have a speedy recovery and a wonderful family in the near future. Our tail-wagging prayers are going out to you, so stay strong and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Blessings, love, and hugs to you.
Delilah, Angel Baby and Sassy Pants
(And our forever mom, Cat Ping)
From left to right: Delilah, Angel Baby, and Sassy (aka pant, pant)

If you would like to make donations for Chloe's care, please go to our web site for information.


  1. Much love to Little Chloe. This is how I will think of her and pray for her because I have a Chloe, too. She is my precious ShihTzu, who is 15-and a half- years old.
    She has always had a healthy life, except this past September when she was pitifully ill. With emergency care, Chloe's special vet, family love, and God's blessings, she survived and is doing well. She and I will wish the same for Little Chloe and will lovingly follow her progress.

  2. Thanks so much for taking in this little sweety. She's a very lucky little girl to have found her way to you. Hope you find her that forever home where she'll be loved and cared for by that special family or person. Thanks!
