Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Husband, My Peke Helper

This is my husband, Matt. He is being kisses by Maggie. You can see Max peeking over the couch to see what is going on.

Maggie loves to be touching someone. Being held on your lap is the BEST, and she will just fold over as she relaxes.
Now Scooter, Maggie and Max are all attacking Matt with kisses and licks. Scooter, on the right, had surgery, so he still has a lot of "bald spots". But, he's doing great. Below, it looks like the 3 musketters are letting Matt up for air.
We were on a trip to Vermont last fall. No, we didn't go to see the colors, althought I would have loved that! We went for my sister's birthday-- unfortunately, the fall colors happened AFTER we were there!
Matt is my helper! He doesn't do all the feeding, or bathing, or cleaning up after the dogs-- but he sure is a great support for me and the Pekes love him!! Matt is also great with our grandkids-- oh no, how did another grandgirl picture get in here!? Here he is with Addie, who is helping him put a bookcase together. You can see how careful she is to get the screws in just right!
Matt is hold Snuggles, who was with us for several weeks for surgery. She is now being fostered in Richmond. She loved my husband-- not me so much! I think it's because I was always surrounded by the other five! Matt says I'm a Peke magnet. Or maybe the Pied Piper for Pekes. (kind of clever, don't you think!)
And here he is with Starlight-- our long term foster dog. She will curl up like a baby on your lap. She fully trusts us. She's a little doll baby.
Thanks Matt!! I love you!


  1. You both are such loving, caring individuals. I admire you.

  2. I got this from a friend:
    I absolutely loved Sunday's and Today's Blogs (actually I love all of them except the tear jerkers, I look so foolish sitting at my desk with tears streaking down my face at 8 AM, nobody dares to ask if anything is wrong) and such a gorgeous picture of you and Matt. Lucky Girl!!!!! I love the pic with Max peeping over the sofa to see what's going on and Matt looks like he's enjoying what I call "suffocation by dog", they really are a beautiful pair of Pekes.

  3. Those were really cute photos! Thanks for sharing those! It is evident that the pups love him.

  4. Matt Maxwell is indeed the #1 Peke Daddy! I love the photo of all the pekes jumping on him. I think he has a special place for sweet little Starlight though -- is she daddy's girl?
