Monday, June 15, 2009


Do you remember several months ago when I wrote that using plastic bowls for water and food could be a problem for your dog? It can cause allergic reactions, sores around the mouth, infection. A friend read that and immediately switched to metal water dishes and glass bowls for all her pets. One of her dogs, Dixie, had lost a lot of her hair-- But, after switching the bowls, Dixie's hair has completely returned. It took a year, but she looks beautiful now. Just those little things really trigger reactions. Just wanted to remind all of you to use glass or metal bowls and to wash their food bowls daily, and their water bowls every few days. WE wouldn't eat off a dirty plate!

If you are interested in adopting this sweet boy, please email Linda at

Chance went on a trip with his foster mom to her daughter's farm. They were on their way to take him to visit someone (while foster mom was out of town) and they stopped at the farm overnight.

We got up early the next morning and looked outside. FOG!! HORSES!! We grabbed the leash and the camera and out we went.
Chance really wanted a closer look.
Yes, there's one of the horses!! There are four horses at the farm, and Chance wanted to see them up close and personal!
Maybe there are more in that field.
Yes, there's one coming out of the fog. We can't tell which one.
It's Ming, or Annie, or Chivalry....... It's NOT Jasmine-- she's just a pony! And she's white and brown and small.
Now two horses came out of the fog.
Chance loves to watch them. But, he's okay with them being OVER THERE.
Back inside-- let's see who else is here.
That Kallie, the chocolate lab. All the dogs here are so friendly, and so is Chance.
And here's Sweetie-Pi, also known as Pi Pi. SWEETEST dog!! Loves the grandkids.
This is Lottie, my Scooterbug's mom. She's very regal!
This is Wicket-- he's Scooterbug's Dad-- he's ten years old now!! Hard to believe! A wonderful Peke!!
And back outside with one of the granddaughters "Lil Bit." Chance loves the chickens.
He does want to be up close and personal with them. He was absolutely fascinated with them.
They were not fascinated with him though.
And then it was time to leave. "Bitty Bit" says good-bye.
"Lil Bit" says good-bye.
Good-bye horses.
Good-bye farm house. We'll come again!!!
Good-bye Farm!
See where Chance goes next-- tomorrow!!


  1. There was alot going on today for everyone - not just chance!
    Fog, horses, little cute granddaughters, chickens and many doggies and pekes - hey 10 is not old! LOL
    Mmm- I wonder where Chance is off to tomorrow????

  2. What a lovely farm ~ I can imagine myself living there:)
    More space = more puppies!
    Your grandaughters are adorable!
    I would love to have some chickens for the fresh eggs, but we live within the city limits. I'm so happy that Chance is doing so well ~ looking forward to tomorrow's adventure.
