Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chance Goes to Richmond


If you are interested in adopting this sweet boy, please email Linda at haveninhim@aol.com
Remember that Chance and I left the farm? Here we go!
We went to Richmond so he could visit with Jeanne and her husband (our foster parents there) and their dogs.
And he would have lots of friends to be with! Here's Jill Lee, a sweet one for sure! She loves to give kisses.
And friends to walk the paths with. Chance is being followed by Hanna.
And rest with. Here's George, the patriarch.
And sweet Hanna is just watching Chance. She's very shy, so I was unable to pet her, but I could talk to her and tell her how wonderful she was.
Sweet DiDi resting is someone he can be friends with.
And Jeanne, his foster mom this week, will give him lots of attention.
Here's a close-up of DiDi. Amazing the pictures you can get by holding the camera in front of you!
Here he is with new friends, Jill Lee and Hanna. Let's see where this little stream of water is going.
I had mentioned in the previous blog (June 2) before how much I loved gazing balls. Well, DiDi, and her mom, Jeanne, gave me one!!!! I am so excited! Here is it-- I haven't found the perfect place for it yet, so I have put in on my coffee table where it is safe from dogs. A place outside where it will catch the sunbeams is what I'm looking for. But, I had to show you how beautiful it is.
This is Jeanne's gazing ball in her garden.
And the Koi pond-- notice the netting over it to keep the dogs safe. And to keep the birds out!
And there's goes Chance- he loved all the paths to walk on.
I took a picture of myself at one of the mirrors in the garden. It looks like a door to the next yard-- but it was just me!
And more mirrors on a garden "shed." The nicest garden shed I've ever seen!
And there he goes again! I think that's a toy beside him.
Is that a real bird in the cage? No, but it's sure cute!
CHance will check this spot out now.
And here's another path. He is having a blast exploring! All new sights and smells. And sounds-- but he can't hear them, only barking of the other dogs and whistles. It doesn't bother him a bit.
I loved this stone in their garden. Jeanne, what does this represent? (It's the day they got married!! A friend on Jeanne's wrote using a magic marker pen on the rock for them when they got married in the back yard. It kept fading so she took the stone and had it engraved so it would not fade. Don't you love this!)
More flowers to smell, more paths to explore.
And here's the Koi pond again-- Jeanne was throwing in cheerios to bring them closer to the surface. They love the cheerios!
Here's another water feature-- just gently tumbling out onto the stones below. Jeanne's husband made the little water feature using her Cake Pan holder top and a bucket for the bottom. She just loves that little fountain.
And now it's time for Chance to rest, and let the fan blow in his hair. Looks like a jet engine is blowing him-- and he's loving every second of it!
Yes, I think Chance will be very happy here!
Look at that happy face!


  1. Oh yes, Chance will be happy there!
    Wow, what a great garden for dogs to sniff around. Gazing balls (never heard of them before Linda) and Koi carp . Then there is all the doggie friends.
    I would have been really sad leaving him behind but.... he will be so busy and happy!

  2. Love the wind blown effects!! Too cute!!!
