Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here are some more pictures from my trip to Scotland. (Oh, I can't wait to go back!!) We went to Edinburg Castle. They had a dog cemetery there for the regimental mascots and officers' dogs.
Here is the area where they were buried.
The view from the Castle over Edinburg was stunning.
I am amazed by the old buildings there-- the castles, the homes, the towns. And most are in amazing shape-- anything from 1800 on is new. I'll share more pictures each day.

Look at this boy-- isn't he cute. He's a senior boy, but so sweet. He came from a rural Virginia shelter where he had been picked up by animal control. His owners knew he was there but wouldn't pay the fee to get him and just left him there-- facing euthanasia. I don't understand some owners. Another group saw him and felt he needed a chance, and they are getting him to us. Taz loves other dogs, loves attention. Even though he has very limited vision, he loves to wander the yard and house and will follow you around.

The wonderful thing is that we already have a home for him!! There are many who know how wonderful these senior dogs are and how grateful they are to just have a chance, a safe place and love.

Thanks for his future mom for wanting to adopt him!!!

Bianca, New Rescue/SCOTLAND!

For those who sent me guesses on where I went on vacation-- I was in Scotland! Some said they thought it was England, so you were close. Here are some pictures:

The countryside was stunning.
There were so many flowers! The garden here was at Stirling Castle. ( got lots of pictures of flowers and gardens for Jeanne, who fosters in Richmond and is a master gardener).
This is Stirling Castle. Most of the cars there were slimmer than ours-- the roads are not as big as ours. We will rent a smaller car the nex time!

Here is Bianca, our new rescue girl.
Look at this sweetheart parti-color Pekingese. She came to a shelter in Virginia from a puppy mill raid. She had an injured eye that had to be removed-- no sight there and just a place for future problems. Her foster mom is already in love with her.

If you are interested in her, please email me at

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Farewell to Allie / King Shadow on Rainy Days

I want to give my deep sympathy to Jeanne on the loss of her precious Allie yesterday. Allie was adopted 3 years ago and Jeanne was told she was 3 years old. But, she was probably about 12 when she died. She had not eaten or had any water for 8 days and had been getting fluids twice a day at the vet. Jeanne did everything she could for her sweet girl. I'm so sorry-- I know you miss her, Jeanne. Allie had the best life with you and was loved so much.

Rest in peace, sweet Allie.
King Shadow
Shadow-- also known as King Shadow-- has an idea of what to do on rainy days. Looks good to me!

He reads serious books and eats cookies.

And contemplates how good his life is.

Did someone call?

Shadow is an incredible Peke-- one of my former foster dogs (can it be five years since I had him!?). He has a new Westie friend who his mom says is completely ridiculous. Must be fun at Shadow's house!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy One Year Birthday Darby! and SCOTLAND

Before we say happy birthday to Darby, here are some "hint pictures" from my trip. Can you guess where I went? It was cold, there were a lot of dogs there. Send me your guesses.

I just received this email from Darby's mom. I can hardly believe it's been a year since she came into rescue, so sick, and needing surgery. I'm so glad she could be helped and then live her life with her new family.

Her mom said this: "Well we celebrated Darby's 1 year "birthday" - its been 1 year since she came to us. We were doing some moving in the house - putting in some new funiture and the particular piece she is laying on was going out. Darby never misses an opportunity to have her picture taken and she needed to be close to me. She wanted to say hi to everyone though and say thanks again for finding her forever home. She went to the vet for her year checkup and her back legs and spine have gotten better with the glucosamine and walks - the vet says she is much improved since he first saw here - thanks again for getting her here. She is a constant joy to us.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm Back

Most of you don't know it, but I've been gone for eight days. If you don't know where I went (I told some of you), send me your guesses. Pictures of my trip will be coming. No pictures today-- I'm been up since 11:00 last night, on planes, and just got home-- 20 hours later.

I'll give you a hint-- they do speak English where I went. I wore my jacket the whole time, plus layers of clothes. I had a blast. More to come!!

My Pekes did great-- but boy, were they glad to see me walk in the door!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Princess-- The Queen

A Peke owner I just "met" through email sent me pictures of her Peke. This is Princess, a beautiful little girl.
The purse she's holding is her favorite toy, it's her "Chewy" Vuitton bag.
And she's super happy to have this floor length window. It is the first time she has ever lived in a place that had a window low enough for her to stand watch. She loves giving the other neighborhood dogs grief about walking past her turf.
And here she is posing like a queen. She was adopted from a shelter by her mom, and she is now about 10-11 years old-- she doesn't look it! She has many more years to spend watching the world, enjoying life.
This is her mom's favorite picture. Princess was not thrilled with these sunglasses, but when she saw her mom laughing so hard, she sat and posed again. We Peke owners sure love taking pictures of our dogs!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Estonia Pekes

Anna went on a trip to Estonia-- you'll have to google this to find out where it is. :-) Look at these precious Peke puppies she saw over there.
They're the same everywhere, rolling around on the grass, having fun.
And likes Pekes everywhere, they love posing for pictures.
Here is Anna with Leida Madrus, a lovely Estonian womam and Peke enthusiast! She also met Sirje Lahesoo, who also owns about a half dozen Pekes.
Here is an award winning Peke there. They have an active Pekingese organization there.
Anna got to hold many of the Pekes, which just thrilled her!
And this puppy was cozying right up to Anna. Isn't Anna beautiful!
Here are two saying good-bye to Anna-- maybe she'll get to go back and see them again. Anna wrote up a story about her trip, which we hope to put in a future newsletter. We haven't had a newsletter in a while, because we're reorganizing-- but we hope to get one out soon. And we're going to begin to email them!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sushi-- Microchip Please

This is Sushi. She is a Japanese Chin who was picked up by the animal control officer in my area. I was told there was a Peke there, so I went over and they took me to the back to see her.
I realized right away, it was a Japanese Chin. I took her pictures-- I just happened to have my camera.
I knew I could find a rescue group for her-- she was very young and adorable. But, not a Peke.
Jeanne, our foster mom in Richmond got her picture from me. She decided to look on Craigslist and found Sushi's picture! Her owners lived in the next city over and Sushi had slipped out of her collar and run off. We were able to tell them where she was, so that they could go get her. WHAT A REUNION that was!
If Sushi had had a mcirochip, the shelter could have notified her owners the day she was picked up. They never thought she could get away. If you pet is not microchipped, please have it done. It can mean all the difference if somehow your pet gets out. AND if they have been microchipped, have your vet check it every year-- this chips sometimes work their way out and have to be redone. It's happened on at least 3 of our foster/adopted dogs.
Sushi is now home-- and her owners said they were going to get her chipped. She'll be safe now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daisy and Kenny

When our foster dogs are adopted, sometimes we have the privilege of going to visit them and see how they're doing. This is one of the Perks of being a foster mom/volunteer with our group. We get to know the most wonderful people and they become our friends.
Kenny and Daisy were adopted by a family who live near me in S.E. Virginia.
Kenny's owner had died and he came to us. He was so sweet-- and he was adopted so quickly.
He liked making faces at me. He also wanted to play with his toys with me.
Or just post for pictures. He let me pet him and hold him. What a joy!
Daisy lives there, too. She came to us when her owners didn't have time for her anymore. They didn't even act like they were going to miss this sweet girl. I think some people are just not dog people.
But, who couldn't love this face!!!
Daisy is very shy-- she didn't want me to touch her-- but she was willing to pose for me. I'll take what I can get. :-)
Honest, Daisy-- I won't hurt you. Some of these precious ones just want their mom and dad. And Daisy and Kenny have the best parents now! So, it's okay just to let them pet you.
Now Kenny and Daisy are brother and sister, keep each other company and are best friends.
I love this part of rescue-- to see the happy Pekes they become in their new homes. Thanks for letting me visit!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Willie Wonton Part 3

Anna's goal when she came to Virginia Beach was to hold Starlight-- or even pet her!
Starlight was having none of it. She is still so afraid of strangers. I told her Anna was wonderful, but somehow Starlight didn't not believe me.
Once we went to my house, though, Maggie was more than happy to let Anna hold her!
At Gracie's house, Jane held Gracie, and Anna held Willie-- Starlight still wasn't going for it.
So, Anna hugged her Peke. Willie loved it, of course!
And Max thought sitting by Anna was a great idea.
And my Scooterbug sat up for Tom. Starlight was no where to be found.
Thanks for visiting Willie and family! We loved having you here.