Monday, October 12, 2009

Farewell to Pearl Jaden

This is Gloria's note on how she felt about Pearl: It was my pleasure to have Pearl Jaden for the time I had her. She was a delightful little girl who deserved far better than she got most of her life.
This is Pearl. I was contacted by an animal control near me (Hampton Roads area of Virginia) and asked to come get a Peke there who didn't seem to be doing well. I got there and she was all matted and dirty-- obviously a little girl who had been neglected for years. I picked her up in July, 2009.
She went to a friend here for fostering (thanks, Toni!), but then was transferred to our club president, who had a desire to give a special life to a senior Peke. Georgia certainly received that with Gloria.
When I had her, I took her to the vet-- over a pound and a half of hair was cut off this tiny girl. When we were done, she weighed under 9 pounds, thin, and in need of help. I couldn't even tell how old she was before, but when I saw her after her hair cut, I knew this was a little senior.
Gloria took her to the Blessing of the Animals at her church. Pearl did great with Gloria's five Pekes. They all got along so well. Pearl had exceptional vet care and had love and attention for the first time in a LONG time, if ever.
You can see her, along with Laurel, being held, and the rest on the ground, checking out the crowd.
Another dog came along because he could see how much fun the Pekes were having!
The Pekes were so well behaved at the Blessing.
You can see Pearl in the middle of the group in the car.
She was certainly holding her own!
Pearl lived a life of luxury for three months. But, eight days ago she quit eating. On Thursday, she was declining quickly, regardless of all the Gloria did. The vet said she was in total renal failure. She was probably 15 years old. She died quietly on Friday evening. She had the life of love that Gloria wanted to give her. She was loved, cared for, and cherished. I know all of us will miss sweet Pearl. REST IN PEACE, SWEET LITTLE ONE.


  1. So sad that she didn't have a fuller life, but glad that Gloria gave her a great few months of total love and care.

  2. Thank you Gloria for giving this little girl love and a warm home. You have earned your wings for sure........

  3. You made such a difference in Pearl's life. She certainly looked like she was "one of the gang"! God bless you, Gloria, Linda, Jenny, Louise and all others involved in rescue. If it had not been for Linda and Jenny, we would not have our beautiful boys, Joshie and Jimmy (Cocoa).

  4. Such a sweet girl ~ I'm so thankful Gloria was there for Pearl to help her experience her last few months feeling loved. Thank-you Gloria and Linda and everyone who finds it in their heart to give so much to those in need.

  5. Thank you to all who have commented-- without all of you donating to our group, we could not do what we do-- so THANK YOU!!

  6. I am so sad - what a wonderful life Pearl had with you Linda and especially Gloria who gave her a great and happy life , no matter how short .A life that all dogs should have but sadly, many do not.

  7. Thank you Gloria for allowing Pearl to know love. The old ones are the most special of all.
    Susan Shephard

  8. Thank you Gloria for showing Pearl love in her last days. The old ones are the most special of all.

