Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm so behind in my blogging! I have lots of pictures I want to post, so if you sent me some, please be patient. :-)

I've had questions about Max and Maggie-- were they adopted together? No, they weren't. But, don't worry-- they are GREAT!
Maggie and my female, Cranberry, were beginning to have "bossy" issues. Both wanted to be queen, and since Cranberry has been queen for awhile, she was not about to give up her throne. I had an INCREDIBLE home for Maggie-- one where she could be queen. So, I decided to split them up. Have no fear-- Max stayed here. (That rhyme was so unintentional!) He's now mine. And he is so happy running the yard with Scooter.
I took Maggie to meet her new mom. I gave her a last kiss before she left. She had been here a long time-- and such a sweet girl.
Here's her new mom! Maggie is already grinning. :-)
And she's smiling here-- they saw on my blog that she likes her ottoman in front of the window and they got one for her to use in her new home.
Very fancy! Much nicer than mine!
She can watch the outside easily.
And she can get hugs from her human granddaughters.
Look how precious they are!
She is eating up all the attention-- more than she could get at my house with five dogs.
Maggie can also rest of her patio and observe her family.
And sit with her new doggy friends-- the Pekes of her new mom's daughter. She is with Maxxie here--
Maggie is now the Princess-- something she always deserved to be. We love you Maggie!


  1. Maggie looks so happy - Mmmm, has her own tiara!! Don't tell Moi Moi - she will want one too. come to think of it - so will Kenzo !!
    It must have been hard Linda but its a "happy hard thing to do" !
    I do love her special "looking " seat!

  2. Maggie sure does look like the Princess in her home! What a wonderful life she will have. Well deserved!

  3. Maggie is a sweetheart and I am glad to know she is the queen of her roost :)

    Give Max lots of hugs for me.

  4. I'm so jealous!! I've always (secretly) wanted Maggie to come live with me and my boys, but it wasn't to be--my husband says two are enough! But as all peke lovers know, the more the merrier! I finally got to meet Maggie at this years picnic, and for me, it was love at first sight. I'm sure it was the same for her new mom. I'm very happy for her.

  5. Don't worry ~ I think they adapt much quicker to change than we do. Maggie sure looks content in her new home and every Princess needs her own Kingdom, right? It's obvious she will be loved and spoiled, just like every little peke should.

  6. We think that Maggie would make a PERFECT calendar girl!! That is some picture and we love it!!
