Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Georgia/Trio-- How Fast Can An Adoption Be?

This is Georgia O'Peke. Her adopted name is Trio-- I only had her a few days! I had been looking for a special girl for a wonderful couple, and just knew this was the one. Here she is when I picked her up. It was a six hour round trip to get this little one. Wonder if the gas company will give me free gas haha.
She came to my house and found an empty dog bed-- and curled right up in it.
She was part of the pack, all going into the back yard to play.
And before I knew it, two days later, we were on the road again. She met her new sister, Arbie, who is SO excited to have a sister now.
Georgia/Trio is content sitting on her new mom's lap during the ride to her new home.
And she found an empty bed there, too!
Trio and Arbie explored the back yard together.
They sniffed each other and Arbie ran around, trying to encourage Trio to play.
I can see two best friends in the making. ;-)
They'll have years of wandering the yard, sleeping together and being family.
They'll lay on the couch together. And just be content.
It was a long, busy week-end for Georgia/Trio. Time to sleep.
Look at that sweet, peaceful face-- this is why I do rescue.


  1. Love that photo of the two of them flopped out on the couch!
    Friends forever .

  2. What an adorable little gal! Pekes and their beds... a continous battle here in my home with Lulu as the queen. :)Did I mention that now that she's made her way into our bed she "growls" at any other pup who approaches the bed? Sweet Lulubelle!
