Monday, October 19, 2009

Ginger at work

First, I want to give you a "heads up" on a sweet little girl I'm getting today. Her name is CoCo and she was turned into the shelter by her owner. The animal control officer contacted me. She said she took CoCo home with her to make sure she went to rescue, and not to someone who couldn't take care of her. She said she appears to be housetrained and is very sweet. She's about 8 years old, but acts young. We're going to get all her medical done and a dental and then she'll be available to go to a new home. Are you interested? She's really cute! :-) If you are, just email me at
Here's Ginger:
Ginger, formerly Princess Parris, is now living and working in North Carolina. Her mom is a real estate person and so Ginger is hard at work helping her. Just look at the picture below!

Ginger has great people skills=== One person came and brought her a toy-- a BoBo. It is soft and squeaks and she loved it. She put it in her mouth and shook it. Just one of the perks of being a working Peke girl.

Her mom told me that she hid somewhere in the house after they had all gone to bed. About 2 a.m., her mom looked over at her little pallet, and she was gone! There is nothing unsafe in the house, but she couldn't locate her. She called to her, but no response. The only place she did not look was way under the bed. Sure enough, in just a few minutes, she decided to come out from under the bed and just looked at her mom as if to say, "What is the matter? I was sleeping!"

Ginger goes to work every day and is such a great addition to the office!


  1. Moi Moi says "Ginger needs her own laptop and a mobile phone - that is what all career girls need!"

    * We hope little Coco finds a lovely home. She is sweet.

  2. Ginger is the boss ;-)

    Coco looks like a sweetheart!

    Two of my three do not come when called unless I yell, "Treat!"
    I always make sure they are all in the house before I go anywhere and Sisqo has a multitude of "hiding places" under side tables, under the fern, under shelves, behind the recliner, and of course under the bed. He likes to make mom panic.

  3. Coco is so sweet, but I suspect she is a Tibetan Spaniel. If you have any problems placing her, they have a very active rescue.

  4. Coco is so sweet, but I suspect she is a Tibetan Spaniel. If you have any problems placing her, they have a very active rescue.
