Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bear and Tigger HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Here are Bear and Tigger with their owner/dad Charlie. Charlie and I are great email friends and he sent me some new pictures to celebrate their birthdays.
Bear just turned 16 on Monday! He is ready to celebrate!! That's Precious beside him, both enjoying their dog food cake.
Here's the whole gang! What a group picture!
This was Bear at last year's birthday when he was 15. What a handsome man!
This is Precious and Bear last year -- they were celebrating Bear's birthday. They have been together all their lives and when their owner could no longer care for them, Charlie adopted them.
It was also Tigger's birthday. He is now eight years old. He was rescued after he lost both his eyes. He does GREAT and likes to be the leader when they are on a walk. One of his Peke friends wears a bell on her collar so he knows where she is.

They are having cake made out of dog food. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAR AND TIGGER!!

LINDA HAVENINHIM@AOL.COM http://www.potomacpekes.org/


  1. Happy birthday to Bear.

    I have wondered if anyone has a blind peke with both eyes taken away and here is Tigger.
    I am so happy to read he has a happy life too.

  2. Now that is a special Birthday Party!
    16 years old is quite an accomplishment too!
