Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Days After the Storm

Cranberry was really NOT okay with the storm that came through. She hid at the top of the stairs. (She does this when a new foster comes, too!)
She hung out on our bed-- no one else can get up there. It's her special spot. It is hard to make a bed when there's Pekingese on it.
Sometimes, she just hangs out on the stairs, surveying the lowly Pekingese who are downstairs. She is the queen and wants to keep an eye on her subjects. When the storm was over though, she came back down. She went back out in the yard and decided it was all okay.
And okay it was! We are in S.W. Virginia, so the leaves are still changing here. The storm didn't take them all. This is a picture of Jeanne's Japanese Maple in her yard in Richmond. She my Richmond Rep--- and a good friend.
In Virginia Beach, the colors are yellows and reds now. My sister lives in Vermont-- I'm sure her colors are "brown branches". :-)
I love the fall-- even raking and blowing leaves. But, the storm this week-end was a bit much.
And here are the results of our clean up. We had enough bags of debris and leaves-- more than enough!! I hope the garbage people will take it all. Some of it is wet, which makes the bags heavier-- and we have a weight limit on the bags-- 25 pounds. I think it should be 50 pounds, like the airlines. (I think if I CAN LIFT the bags, the garbage people should be able to lift them. I'm 5'1" tall, and the garbage people are bigger than that-- but they do lift those big bags all day when they're picking up, so I guess I should give them some slack and say THANK YOU!)
The yards are all cleaned up-- there is no flood zone on the lower back yard. You can see the steps now.
You can see the grass and the ivy, and some flowers that are still around.
I love the sun coming through the trees, and sitting on my deck. and enjoying the fall weather and being dry, and having my coffee come from the coffee pot on the counter. Oh, the things we enjoy so much after a storm!!


  1. Miss Cranberry is a smart girl - she kept High and Dry!!!

    I love the big trees in your backyard - its looks like a little forest.

  2. Your backyard is lovely, Linda. Cranberry is pretty smart to stay upstairs in a comfy bed where it's safe and dry during the storm. In Michigan there is no weight limit on bagged leaves. Once the man who picks them up knocked on our door to ask my husband to help him lift them into the truck. We get around 30 large bags each fall from our yard.

  3. Linda, I love your yard.
