Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saved in Time

This is Lilly Faith, who is being fostered by Melanie. Lilly just had her spay surgery and has to wear an e-collar-- or a bucket or a halo. :-) We have different names for these contraptions that the dogs usually don't want to wear. I think she is giving us her sad face. :-)
Most of us in rescue want all dogs to have a chance. Melanie is no exception-- but she put her desire to help into action and saved this American Bulldogs an hour before he was to be euthanized. You see, he is deaf, and most deaf dogs are considered unadoptable. Just like with visually impaired dogs. But, they can be great pets! This dog is very loving and sweet and it looks like he may have a new home! He came in with ear infections and a respiratory infection, but he is doing great now. His possible new owner has even hired a trainer who has worked with deaf dogs. Another dog saved-- it makes my heart smile!


  1. Thank you so much Linda. I love helping to save all animals-they are Gods miracle too!

  2. melanie u babe!! xoxo

  3. Its lovely to see another two dogs saved.

  4. Both dogs are precious. The bulldog doesn't look very old, is he?
