Saturday, February 27, 2010


I want to extend sympathy to Carey and her family on the loss of Allie, her Blenheim Cavalier, that she rescued from a puppy mill in Utah. Allie had a life of love for six years with her family and her two best friends, Zoe the Lab and Fu Shing the Peke. Rest in peace, sweet Allie.
I sent this out to all our PVPC members, but also wanted those who are not members to have an update on our club's rescue work. We have had two more adoptions since I wrote this-- JuJu and Carmen. Thank you to all who help us!!
February, 2010 Rescue Newsletter Update

2010 has started with a lot of activity in our Pekingese Rescue. We have already had quite a few adoptions (BB, Chloe, Betty, CoCo, Nobel, Nutmeg, Stitch, Tony, and Matilda. We have also taken in quite a few-- Tony(adopted), Amelia, Heather, Lacy, Matilda (adopted), Oscar, Katie, Sugar, Ty and Caleb, Carmen and Chester. Many miles are driven by our foster volunteers when we have this many Pekes coming into rescue or helping with transporting them to their new homes. We make a lot of vet visits and shelter visits. All our volunteers have been SO generous with their gas and travel time-- we couldn't do it without them. Our foster homes are so dedicated and I want to thank each of them. We have added some new foster homes and we love having the help. For each foster home, it means we can help another Peke or two. The difference these homes makes in each Peke's life and health is amazing. I want to share some before and after pictures with you. Here is Anna-- she came to us from a Maryland shelter-- with a missing lower jaw, blind in one eye and extremely thin at 8.4 pounds. Here she is when she came to us:
In spite of all she had gone through, she is the most incredibly sweet girl who loves to be on the couch or behind me on the chair as I work at the computer. She had to have several abdominal surgeries and jaw surgery to help correct the damage done. It doesn't stop her from eating though-- she loves to chomp on dry food (mixed with canned) with her top teeth and the few bottom teeth she has. Look at her now! She has gained two pounds and is healthy now ! (I will be doing a blog just on Anna soon.)
I love this little girl!! She is now in a long-term foster home in N.Va. Was it hard to let her go??? YOU BET! More on that story later.
Betty came to us from a NC backyard breeder. She was testy and thin-- but she had so much potential. Jeanne, in Richmond, fostered her. Here she was when she came into rescue. She was really pathetic.
Look at her now! It is hard to believe this is the same dog! Others who have made huge progress are Lilly Faith (with Melanie), Chance (with Sonia), Missy and Amelia (with Beth and David). We want to thank our foster moms and dads that haven't been mentioned yet: Kris, Essie, Robin, Shanyn, Kim, Britney, Jon and Ann, Gloria, Paige, Maria, Jenny, and Chris/Steve. We couldn't do this without you!

We have taken in a few more that are new to the web site. We just got four from the same shelter-- the owner was going to be taken to court if he did not relinquish them to the shelter. We were called to help-- and they are so sweet! Here's a video of Ty, Katie, Sugar, and Caleb. Check out their bios on our web site. Click here: YouTube - 100_5092.MOV They are a sweet group and I hate to separate them. Maybe someone will want to adopt a pair. I can always hope! (If you want to foster one, let me know-- I need foster homes!)

Please check out our web site. Click here: Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Home We have a new Valentine's home page, which is great! Jeanne and her friend Larry do the web site now and are incredible. We also have a link on Karanda dog beds-- many shelters use these now because they are comfortable for the dogs to rest on, and we hope to get some for our foster dogs. Check out the Success stories and Adopted Pekes-- it's constantly being updated. There is also a "Must Love Pekes" blog, Click here: Must Love Pekes . Please share your pictures and stories for this site. Just email: Linda at (If you're reading this on the blog, you KNOW about the blog!)

Thank you to all of you who have donated to help our efforts to save these precious Pekes. It is a continual challenge to have enough funds to pay for the medical needs of our fosters. Because of you, we have been able to continue our efforts to help these homeless little Pekes. Every donation, large or small, makes a huge difference. One friend in rescue said their friends give donations to PVPC instead of giving gifts at Christmas, birthdays. Here's what she said, " The perfect gift for dog people....a donation to help much more meaningful than store bought stuff."

Keep your eye on the web site-- we're planning a Spring Garden tour/party at Jeanne's house in Richmond. Jeanne is a master gardener, and her garden has been on the blog. We're also planning a big yard sale at Jeanne's, so if you have things you want to donate, let us know.

Linda Maxwell Rescue Director
Jeanne Reeves Assistant Rescue Director
"Saving one pet does not change the world, but it changes the world for that one pet."


  1. Linda, you all do one might job for the pekes and other breeds too!
    I am Very sad for Allie's family for they are apart of your life that is for sure!

    Miss Anna is one special peke and I do hope she gets a forever home - well, I hope all your rescues do!

  2. LInda~

    What a wonderful kindness to wake up to. You are so special. Because of your largess, many human and canine hearts have been connected. PVPC is the definition of what a rescue and rehabilitation effort should be. It is a joy to see beautiful Pekes, each on special, each has their own gift to give in full bloom. Bless all of you! Allie has a legacy. With her and many companions who suffered at the hands of humans, Utah was the 44th state to impose penalties for animal cruelty. S.B. 297 was signed into law on 3/19/08. One at a time, we all can do our part.

  3. My heart goes out to Allie's family.
    Anna looks so healthy now ~ they sure respond quickly to loving, quality care, don't they? Betty looks so alert and ready to check out what the day has in store for her.
    Your network of rescue and foster homes has done, and continues to do, so much for these helpless dogs in need.

  4. You know if I was still there I'd take one (or two!) senior pups in :)

    My thoughts are with Allie's family.

  5. These are comments I received about the newsletter and the work we are doing. Thank you all for your support!!!

    I just want to commend all the rescuers and people who have done such a fabulous job in helping these poor little guys find good homes and excellent foster care. Also I think the vets who have given them a new lease on life are to be appreciated for all their time and hard work into helping them lead a normal, healthy life.

    My heart felt appreciation goes out to the foster parents and rescue volunteers who have spent their time and money in saving these little ones lives!!!

    Wow!!! You can really see the difference you've made, just in the eys of these dogs!! They look like they feel loved!!!

    Great job to all of you!!

    We've got three of the PVPC Rescues....Joshua (fostered by Linda), Jimmy aka Cocoa (fostered by Jenny) and Ginger Snap, one that never made it to her foster home because during the transport process from the MD shelter to our home to foster home, we fell in love with her.

    Thanks again to everyone for your part in bringing so much joy to our lives:-)
    What fun and your report is so interesting. It is amazing what love and care can do for these little ones. Thanks for all you do!!!!!
    HOW WONDERFUL TO SEE THE DIFERENCE!! It shows what good work is being done and how heroic you all really are!
