Saturday, May 29, 2010


Jeanne and Larry do our web site-- It's AWESOME. She told me that she has people from all over the world seeing our site! So, here are some of those places, with pictures of Pekes mixed in to entertain you.

This is Andy-- I just picked him up yesterday from a local shelter. He was there over three weeks and no one wanted him-- you see, he has severe flea dermatitis. That means he got fleas and no one helped him, so it became pretty bad. But, we'll take care of him and he'll be just fine! He's a happy boy, only about 3 years old, at 20 pounds.

Vienna Austria

Lisbon Portugal



Montpellier France

Bloemfontien, South Africa

Here's Andy again-- he had a special bath to soothe his skin. He's asking if you want to give him a forever home.
Freeport Bahamas Viljandi Estonia South Africa Praue Czech Republic Istanbul Turkey Reykjavik Iceland Bolton, The United Kingdom Ruislip, The United Kingdom(I've been here! My sister lived there for awhile.)

This is Chubby, one of our fosters after HIS bath. I think he's licking drops off his face. :-)

I know the list is long but look at the different countries who have visited our site since Jan 2010.

Split Croatia Alfortville, France Gebze Turkey Singapore Midhurst Canada X'anthi Greece

This is Heath-- he belong to our foster parents, Tiffany and Mike. They rescued him after he spent 12 years in a horrible situation. Now his life is wonderful!

Moscow Leonberg Germany Upplands-vasbySweden Dorcaster, Australia Blackpool, The UK Calasiao, The Philippines

This is Brownie-- Heath's sister. He was adopted too. His parents love dogs! And they take such wonderful care of them.

Brandor Canada Whitby Canada Thunder Canada

This is Bernie-- one of our newest foster dogs.

Ottawa Canada Louth, Ireland Melboune, Australia

You know Caleb-- he's one of my foster dogs. Big, sweet, clown boy!!

Manchaster, The UK Market, Harborough, The UK Elland, The UK

This is Rupert- he's in time out. Doesn't look too bad to me! :-)

Chungiu Republic of Korea Guadalajara Mexico Jakarta, Indonesia Charleror Belgium

This is Max. He was one of my foster dogs over five years ago. One of the sweetest!! He now lives in California.

Milan Italy Dublin Ireland Vernon Canada Bralislava Slovakia

Here's Max aga you can see Uggie in the background-- his picture is next.

Liepaja Latvia Cairo Egypt

And here's Uggie-- Ug, Ug-Lee. Whatever you call him, he sure is cute!

Lulea Sweden Gutweiler Germany

Here are dogs at my home-- begging for popcorn!!!

New Zealand Tbilisi Georgia Russia Tunisia

And last, but not least, Caleb again. He loves shoes! He has my daughter's flip-flop.

I had to look up some of these countries/places that have connected to our PVPC web site. Have you been to any of those places? I have-- let's see, I've been to England, the Philippines, Italy, Canada, Mexico. That leaves a LOT that I haven't been to!


  1. Come to Australia Linda and we will have a Barbie!!

    Kenzo and Moi Moi are going to make a pavlova for dessert!

  2. That picture of Chubby is adorable! Caleb is pretty cute too! Poor Heath and Brownie ~ so glad they're in a good home now.
    It's great that so many people from all over the world have visited your website!!
    I don't go on vacation or travel often, but over the last 49 yrs. I've been to Mexico, Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, France, and I was born in Germany.

  3. Wow, Slovakia and the Czech Republic-- what is it like?

  4. Hi Linda,
    My dad was born in Slovakia and his sisters live in the Czech Republic, so we had the chance to go there for a week while visiting my parents in Germany the summer of 2001. Lots of curvy roads and hilly countryside and lakes. Prague was interesting with the bridges crossing the huge, wide Danube River. We rode the subway in Prague and it was the largest, most intimidating escalator I've ever seen. They require schooling to be a waitress or a cook and the food is the best. All made from scratch and the freshest ingredients, but the longer wait for a meal is well worth it. They've mastered the fine art of using just the right seasonings. Of course I couldn't understand a word and the language is so complicated that I couldn't pick up a word of it:)
    Thanks for asking!

  5. Amazing- Did you meet a lot of relatives? It sounded beautiful. When I was in Scotland, the food we had was so good-- all fresh, too. Saw very few fast food and we didn't eat there. What kinds of seasonings do they use in Slovakia?

  6. I enjoyed your pictures of Scotland from your trip, and the food looks delicious too. I met cousins and Aunts. They all made us feel so welcome, and although they live modestly, they are very generous and helpful. One Aunt had chickens and a vicious rooster who we witnessed chasing off a fox while his harem of hens took cover under a bush. She also raised rabbits for food and had huge cherry and walnut trees on the property. I know absolutely nothing about spices, so I'm not much help in that department:(
    I would love to go back, but without my Dad as our "tour-guide" I'm sure we'd get lost.
