Sunday, May 30, 2010


Add Image Remember Douggy-- he came into rescue in March of this year. I did a video of him and a wonderful woman near me saw it-- it was love at first sight. Here are those videos: Click here: YouTube - Douggy Playing2 , Click here: YouTube - Douggy Playing1
Douggy loves his new mom-- and he loves his new home! He has lots of sleeping spots. On the bed with his mom is his favorite. But, the rest are fine, too.
He likes to rest on the deck.
Or on an afghan on the couch.
The bed in the living room-- with a special toy-- is great.
Look at this face-- isn't it sweet!?
And then he's down again. Pekes seem to be excellent at resting.
Yes, I think resting is about to happen here-- can you hear me Douggy??
"I hear you! I'll pose for more pictures."
I know you're a boy, but the pink looks good by you-- kind of like a modified pink bed. :-) I'm so glad the shelter called me when you came in, Douggy! You are such a great boy! Give your mom a hug for me!


  1. What a lovely story and he has pink cushions too!

  2. When I lost my wonderful Shitzu, Gidget,I was devastated. I had my heart set on another Shitzu until I went to Linda,s website. I knew nothing about Pekignese dogs, but I fell in love with Douggy right away. In two short months he has become my special angel. I love his personality, his beautiful coat of hair and most of all the fact that I am able to give him a happy home. I will always be grateful to Linda for choosing me to be Douggy's Mom. I have never met anyone who cares for animals as much as she does. Thanks Linda for bringing joy back into my life.
    Mary Ann

  3. Mary Ann, you are so welcome-- I liked you from the moment we talked and emailed! I knew you would give Douggy a wonderful life-- and he sure does love you, too.
