Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Remember Ania from the picnic. She's on the right with Essie who won the Peke portrait at the picnic. Ania is an artist and found a little Peke who climbed right into her heart. She couldn't keep him because the owner claimed him. But, she was now an official Peke lover.
She is now the proud mom of a beautiful Peke boy, who is only about 7 months old. And she needs a name for him.
Here he is-- a beautiful white color and looks so soft, too!
Like all Peke puppies, he takes a lot of naps.
And he eats-- Pekes don't want to miss even a crumb, so he has his face all the way in that bowl. ;-)
I wonder what he's thinking here! I think he's looking at Ania's two beautiful German Shepherds and thinking, "I'm bigger than you." Sure you are.
He didn't get beautiful by accident-- he was put through the torment of a bath. They look so pathetic when they are wet!
And then it's time for another nap.
We know you're tired, little man.
Do you hear something? Can you hear us all THINKING of what your name should be? Your mom, Ania, wants suggestions-- she'd like some that have a Chinese sound to them. Or a Chinese name that you know the meaning of for this beautiful boy.
So, send us your suggestions! He's waiting to know what his name will be!
The person who suggests the name that Ania picks will get a Fozzy Print (seen above in the first picture) from Ania! :-) To see more on Ania's Peke, go to: Click here: Gretchen and Rorie's Adventures: Our REAL REAL New Brother.............


  1. As you know Linda, My Moi Moi (little sister/girl) is named in honour of my groomer who is Chinese Australian and has a number of dogs that she brought with her to Australia from Hong Kong . One was called Moi Moi and she is sooooo cute that I told Patricia if she ever goes missing - she might just be at my home! LOL this is the little dog my Peke is named after. :)
    Well , Pat has a lovely white peke called PEKING CHAI , her other dog (she brought her 4 dogs with her!!! ) is a Westie called DUMPLING and her last dog is Snoopy a golden retriever.
    So ----

    PEKING CHAI (Pekinese tea )

    Whatever his name - he sure is a cutie!

  2. Congratulations Ania! He is a very handsome boy!
    For this reason I offer two Mandarin male names.

    Junjie:Handsome and outstanding
    Shaiming: Very bright light, sunshine

  3. Thanks so much Linda for posting my NEW little boy on your blog!!!!

    He is the cutest little thing I've ever met! And a darling!

    He's definitely steeling my heart very quickly!!!!!!

    And YES, he needs a name very quickly!

    So please all you Peke lovers, give me your suggestions and whoever's name I pick will be getting a Fozy print!!!

    Thank you in advance!!!

    Ania and the as-of-yet-unnamed Peke pup!!!

  4. A name that sounds chinese hmmmm
    What about Duade-Da, Or Bo-Bo, or Jinjing.

  5. Just wanted to add a link to Gretchen & Rorie's blog who expressed their not-so-happy feelings about the new addition...... ;-)

  6. How about Xìngfú? It means "happiness". I thought it might be a good match because it looks like Ania and the Peke found happiness in each other. You can use google translate to hear how it's pronounced. :-)

  7. JUNJIE handsome and outstanding
    And he is!

  8. Your suggestions are all great!!!

    Please keep them coming!!!!


    handsome and outstanding, great, strength, precious

  10. Yingjie means gallant hero

    Jinhai means golden sea

    He is very cute. I love the one-eyed Pekes!!

  11. OK, so far we have:

    Moi Moi
    Chai Chai

    From my blog, I got:
    Feng Shiu

    This is a nice list, but please keep the m coming!!!!

  12. from Amee:

    What a cutie he is – Chang Lee and Chin Chin are 2 of my favorites – you can send them on to Ania

  13. Who ever gets picked for the print will truley enjoy it as I have mine. I have not had it framed just yet and the new wall still hasn't been painted but as soon as it is I will send pics.
    Ania bless you for taking in this "Lotus Flower" (another good name) I just know he is going to be loved and well taken care of.

  14. Hey Essie, you already have a Fozy print..... :-) :-) :-)

    (thanks for the name suggestions....)

  15. oh i just remember Lan-Lee is cute too!!

  16. Thanks so much for saying that Essie!!!!

    I can't wait to see a picture of where the print is hung!

  17. Here is a free website that translates English words into Chinese and Ch to Engl (select Pinyin in the drop down menu.It has Chinese pronunciations and definitions in English. For names, I like Ren it means strong and tenacious in Chinese.

  18. His name shall be - YOSHI!!!!

    After very l.o.n.g and tedious deliberations, and trying all the wonderful suggestions from all of you on the puppy (he would respond or not to being called), my boyfriend Steve - who is his joint owner, and I decided on the name on the Yoshi.

    Its Japanese for The Best!!!

    And Yoshi is the BEST!!!

    We are currently at the ocean with our combined pack of FIVE dogs and Yoshi is being the best little puppy!!!

    I will write more of our adventures on my dog blog:

    As a "Thank You" gift for all of your wonderful suggestions, I would still like to give you all a little gift - a Fozy Bear greeting card!!!

    Please email me privately your address and I'll send you the card (or if you're more comfortable, and if Linda would be whiling to play the Post Master, I can send them to her and she can send them of to you).

    Thank you again for your suggestions!!!

    Ania, Steve, Yoshi, and the rest of the pack!

  19. You're both lucky to have found each other. Pekes are the best companions. We love them. We have a full Pekingese and a mixed Peke/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, named Lee and Patch, respectively.

  20. You are both SO lucky to have found each other! Pekies are the best little companions...We have two!
