Monday, July 26, 2010


Gloria has worked with Pekingese Rescue for about eight years. She has had Pekes much longer. When I got little Pearl Jaden (less than 8 pounds) out of a shelter last July, Gloria took her in.
She had a hair cut-- the mats and knots were all the way to the skin, and one of the vet techs gently loved on her as she cut away years of neglect. Pearl Jaden loved it. She was being cared for and held and talked to for the first time in a long time.
Pearl Jaden became part of Gloria's Pack. Can you see her in the middle there, determined to have a spot! She was an older girl, but I couldn't leave her in the shelter. She was in the "new room" where there was a lot of noise. She was too old to even get up on the Kuranda bed they had for her so they turned it upside down-- giving her little comfort from the wet cement floor. (This shelter now has funds to build a new building and I'm so glad! The animals there will soon have much better space to be cared for in.)
Pearl Jaden only lived three months after being rescued-- but they were months lived with love and comfort. She had her own pink bed, too. Gloria had this poster made of Pearl Jaden for the Peke Parade in Pa. Dotti Cooper does a lot of Pekingese Rescue in the New York/New Jersey area and she is a friend of our rescue group.
This says: "This picture is of Pearl Jaden who was in the parade last year and is now deceased. From one rescuer to another, I would like to commend Dottie Cooper for the wonderful work she does with Pekingese rescue. Last year, Pearl Jaden had the honor of being in the Rescue Parade. She was a Potomac Valley Pekingese Club (PVPC) rescue who was found wandering the streets, estimated to be 15. I took her to live out her life with me. Tiny Pearl Jaden could barely walk, but she knew she was loved and was thrilled when I carried her around the ring. A member of the Pekingese Club of New Jersey gave her one of the special red blankets given as show award. She LOVED being wrapped in that soft blanket. Pearl Jaden crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 9, 2009. She was truly a treasure!" (This beautiful ad was done for Gloria by Susan Shepherd, President of the Pekingese Association.

"And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new,
My thought and my heart will still be with you.
And I will brag to all who will hear,
Of the people who made my last days so dear."
Author unknown Here are Gloria's Pekes now. She has some beautiful Pekes! Can you see little Nobel in the front right? I think he's looking to get into some mischief. :-) THANK YOU GLORIA FOR ALL YOU DO FOR THESE PRECIOUS PEKES.

1 comment:

  1. That brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing portrait done for Pearl Jaden....I am missing my Pekes now:(
