Sunday, July 25, 2010


I went to my daughter's farm for a week to help out while her husband was out of town. I got to be with my three grandchildren! LOVED IT.
I thought it would rain while I was there. You can look at these pictures from a previous visit and imagine yourself sitting on the porch, just watching and listening to the rain. BUT IT DIDN'T RAIN THIS TIME. It was HOT. And DRY.
I took all the dogs with me-- including sweet Sammy. We originally thought Sammy was about 8, but he is so active, so playful that we think he's younger. He is a strong boy, who loves to walk and you need a firm grip on his leash because he's ready to go! Look at these videos of him playing and tell me what you think-- he acts pretty young, doesn't he?
Click here: YouTube - sammyplaying2 Click here: YouTube - sammyplaying
He got his e-collar off and I took him his new foster home in N.Va. I miss him already. That's the hard part of rescue-- we have to keep letting them go.
I kept Ty with me-- he had a lot of practice walking on a leash. He's not crazy about it, but he walked along wtih Pi-Pi, one of my daughter's dogs.
He liked Kallie, too. Kallie tried to play with Sammy -- it was really cute.
Ty saw something in the distance. What was it?
He's looking under the fence for a better Peek-- or Peke. :-)
Oh, it's beautiful horses! My daughter has three horses and a pony.
She also has two Pekingese-- here's Lottie. She's over ten now and the queen there. She is actually related to the queen here (Cranberry). They're cousins-- must be something in the genes that makes them both want and demand to be queen.
Starlight helped the grandgirls do art projects. They were working with puffy paint-- I was hoping Starlight wasn't getting too close. I did NOT need a Puffy Paint Pekingese!

And then it was time to go home-- I had so much fun, and got to hold my 7 month old grandson a lot. I'm ready to go back! Where are you going this summer?


  1. Winter here as you know Linda so - where did I go - we went with Kenzo to the Sunday Market down the road today.
    Missy Moi was left at home to have some time without the atom bomb! Talking of "atom bombs" - I think Mr Sam is fantastic and you know , he could be 8 as I had a peke live to 17 and she was like that at 10 years! Spring chicken Linda! LOL
    I really think those "queens" - Lottie and Cranberry should be re-named to Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret! LOL
    I can see you and the kids had just the best time and your daughters home looks delightful!

  2. Addie got out of bed last night crying for Starlight. It was a stall tactic, but I thought it was cute that she missed Star so much :)

  3. Love the pics! This summer the dogs and I are relaxing:)

  4. A week at the farm, enjoying your daughter and grandkids, sounds like a wonderful time. Starlight really has a connection with your granddaughters ~ so sweet.

  5. Bitty Bit (my 3 year old granddaughter) woke up Sat. night crying for Starlight. :-( Of course, Starlight had gone home with me.

  6. I want to live on Meghan's farm.....does have room for just one more?????

  7. My daughter said Jeanne can come live with her if Jeanne will landscape her yard. :-) We all want a garden like Jeanne's!
