Sunday, October 10, 2010


Check out the date today!! It's 10/10/10. Little things like this get my attention-- I know you're impressed. Okay, on with the blog!!
Remember Butter, Suzy Q, and Willie Wonton in New York?
They've been on the blog several times. :-)
These were their Easter pictures. They have a new friend in the house. Their mom is fostering Peppy/Bucky, a Japanese Chin mix.
He reminds me of the Peke with the longest tongue!! Bucky said he wanted to wish me Happy Birthday-- thank you!!! I had a great day.
Their parents said they are trying to figure out if Suzy Q and Oona cat are new BFFs -- or if they both feel entitled to nap on the adirondack chair? It was a long & peaceful afternoon nap nonetheless!
And here's Willy Wonton -- he ate his breakfast, booted his sister Suzy Q out of her royal pink bed and is snoozing with absolute abandon and waiting for his midday walk with daddy around the East Village -- what a life! PS Willy has adjusted to his new shorter hair cut (less itchies) and is pretty pleased with his new stylish "camoflage" harness!

Butters wrote me an email (I love Peke emails!!):
Dear Aunt Linda,
Thank you for writing about me and my new foster-brother, Peppy/Buster, in your blog. I remember when I had a foster mom, so I know how important that is! I loved my foster mom Britney-- she was terrific! Right now, Peppy has a bad kennel cough and he coughs alot (it's sort of annoying) but I hope he feels better real soon. He is taking medicine and our foster mom hides the pill in some tasty treats. She gives me a treat too, so I don't feel left out! Peppy sure does eat a lot -- I remember before I went to my foster mom, I was really hungry too. But can you believe that Peppy even tried to eat out of my bowl?? I was like...."excuse me, but that's MY dinner!" Hope he doesn't try that business again. Peppy and I like running around our big, fenced in yard. The weather is really nice -- not too hot and not too cold -- perfect for little dogs like us! We'll it's time for us to take a nap soon, so thanks again for writing about us. We'll remind our mom to send more photos soon. Hugs, Butters (and Peppy)

1 comment:

  1. They have got to be the cutest pekes ever !!!!!!They made me smile :)
