Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quilt Show in Richmond

This blog is about a quilt show Jeanne is doing in Richmond to raise money for our Pekes, but I had to put in one Peke!! This is Coco, who is new to rescue. She is about four years old and a sweetheart. She is a bit bossy, so we're working on her manners. She's small, under 11 pounds, but she needs to gain a little-- no problem!! She is very healthy and is ready for adoption!
PVPC is having a fund raiser at Stir Crazy Coffee Shop,4015 MacArthur Ave, Richmond,Va the month of Oct. (That's right now!!) (It's on the north side of Richmond.) We are selling quilting art donated to us by Evelyn Derstine from Harrisonburg, Va. This is Eve looking at one of the beautiful quilt pieces she made.

ALL proceeds will go to PVPC. The art show was hung on Sat night Oct 2nd. Here are a couple photos of the art and of Evelyn Derstine who was so gracious to donate this to PVPC. If you live in the area please go by and purchase a piece!
There are so many there to choose from. I saw them at Jeanne's before the show was put up. Here are some I BOUGHT. I just loved them all, but limited myself to about ten (is that really limiting myself??).

I have this autumn one on my kitchen table with flowers on top of it. I love the colors in it.

This beautiful large quilt piece is on my dining room table. There is a pocket on the back if I decide to hang it on the wall. I LOVE quilted things. My mom made several for me, I have one my grandmother did, and my sister is a quilter. I just didn't get that gene.

As you can see, this one was made for my vet. I'm going to take it to the clinic next week.

This one has separate pieces making up a wreath-- this will be put out after Thanksgiving when I bring out all the Christmas things.

This will be perfect for spring and summer-- a giant strawberry!

And this beautiful pattern is for Christmas, but it's so pretty, I could leave it out all year!!

I didn't get this one-- it's one of Jeanne's favorites. She would love a whole bed quilt made of it. It would take a lot of time because each of those flower petals has to be done separately. I wish I could sit still long enough to quilt. I think I would love it. But, I can't sit still!! Oh, well, I'll just love the ones around me.

This is a great time to pick up some Christmas gifts. Great prices !! You can take your item with you. The show will be up for the month of October or as long as we have pieces to sell. Please go by and check it out. Thank you, Eve, for donating these to our group to raise money for our Pekes!!

1 comment:

  1. The quilts are all beautiful and your choices are so pretty! How I wish I lived close enough!
    I didn't get that gene either:)
