Monday, November 8, 2010


Colby spent the day at the vet--- the vet sewed his eye shut so healing could hopefully occur to keep the eye. However, we think his sight is gone. We just don't know what he did to his eye and it's heartbreaking-- as I well know!-- to have this happen when we are their caretakers. But, I know Jeanne is the best! And I know that I was a good foster mom when an injury occured "on my watch." It's happened to my own and it's happened to my fosters. They get under a bush and scratch their eye, they play too hard and hurt each other's eyes. Pekes' eyes are so vulnerable! All we can do is get them to the vet and put in drops every 3-4 hours, round the clock -- getting up several times at night because we love these little guys! I'll be doing a blog on Pekes' eyes. Get Well Colby!! And Jeanne, here a big hug!
Pray for little Colby today-- he seriously injured one of his eyes and may lose it. We just never know what these little ones will get under or into. Jeanne is devastated-- We love you, Jeanne!


  1. Jeanne, we love you and feel for you too. And Colby will be ok no matter what - he is loved. Lots of prayers for you and him today. xoxo Fiona, Bill and Paddington Bear and Amelia

  2. Prayers are going out for Colby and Jeanne. Colby we love you!!! You are a frisky puppy! I am hopeful his eye can be saved. But, if not, with loving arms he will be comforted and nursed back to health. Of that I am 100% sure!

  3. Oh please keep us updated on how he is doing. I just know dr Teague will do everything possible to get this fixed. My thoughts are with you Jeanne and Colby.

  4. ((HUGS)) and thoughts for Jeanne and Colby.

  5. Poor little Colby.... and Jeanne..... I've been getting updates from Jeanne and she really is so upset.

    Get better you little eye!

  6. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts today. Colby is home. We are just trying to make him comfortable. He has been a trooper through all of this. My heart breaks each time I look at his beautiful face. He keeps wagging his tail.

  7. Please stop feeling guilty. These things happen and imagine if it happened in a dirtbags house!

    I know - I am "subtle"

    I am sending huge vibes for Mr Colby and his eye.

  8. I hope both Colby and Jeanne are having a quiet day.....

    I'm a little short on cash, but what I can do is offer a percentage of the SALE (not just the profits) of some of my Peke items that I currently have.

    I just made available for sale the original painting of Jasmine, the Peke Princess or Miss Fozy Bear, as Lynn calls her. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

    Also, for the Peke prints (not just Fozy's, but any) that are avaialable off the PVPC site, I'll incease the % of my donation to 40% instead o f 10%.


  9. Dogs are alot like kids and adapt so well. Colby still has his great personality and will be extra super special with one or two eyes. Great big hugs all around for everyone:)

  10. Ania, thanks for ALL you do to help our Pekes!! You're the best!
