Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Lara, whose mom adopted several of our Pekes, is in China. And she has pictures of the dogs she has seen there. Shadow, one of the Pekes her mom adopted from us, is above-- look at his sweet face! He was one of the seriously ill dogs I had as a foster, and he needed a lot of help. But, he is the light of his family's life now! He is still the primary owner of her heart... Now on to the China Pekes.
I'm so glad she took pictures!! They are beautiful dogs.
They don't live like my dogs live, but it's a different culture and they are obviously loved there. This one is in the market with his owner.
He really looks like a lion dog!
This little one sure looks happy, with a bounce in his step!
This little white Peke is trying to get the other dog to play!
Look at that tongue!! I think he could be competition with Puggy the Pekingese (Sept. 22 blog) for the longest tongue!
I've put several of this little one on-- look at this face. If I could just miraculously bring this one to the states, I'd do it! It's so cute!
Look at her feet--
Is that's the "long tongue" Pekingese coming to visit her? She doesn't look too sure.
He's still there. The little one is watching him carefully. (I really don't know if these are males or females, but in my head, I've decided what they are.)
He's following her. He wants to play-- or he's in love. ;-)
And here's the first Peke again. Look at the cement pattern there. He looks like a happy older gentleman.
There's an adventure over there, I'm sure.
Oh, there's "long tongue" again-- he's trying to be friends with everyone!
He's taking a break-- takes a lot of energy to carry around that tongue!!
And now, the brown Peke is off for a stroll, back to the marketplace where he's keeping an eye on his owner.
I think this little one must be waiting at the market-- maybe he's going to see her.
You sure are cute!!
Lara is in China until May 2011. She spends a lot of her free time in parks. She said that a majority of the dogs she has come across are mild mannered and love the attention. The people love the fact a foreigner wants to coddle their dog for 30 minutes too. I hope she sends more pictures!!


  1. How interesting Linda!
    Real Peking Pekingese!!!!

  2. LOL, love the Chinese Pekes! They do live differently, but I love that they all look so happy and appear to have great personalities! Yay for Pekes!
