Friday, December 31, 2010

At the end of this year....2010

The last day of the year is the day I list all the dogs/pets we lost this year. I don't want to make every one sad, but I do want to honor those pets and their families and the love they shared. Many died too young, but most lived a long life and most were rescues who were saved and were able to be loved and cared for. Thank you to all who shared their pictures with me. I did not have pictures of Chloe, Sissy, Peyton, or Irish setter Rory (Dian's dog, our club treasurer, but I met him at one of our picnics and he was a beauty). Here are ones I want to share with all of you and I know each one blessed their family's life.
Kallos/Kallie Girl, my daughter's Chocolate lab, will be in our hearts forever. She was a sweet dog who loved and was loved by her family. I miss you, too, Kallie. You were always nudging my hand to give you pets and hugs.
Buddy Dat, Essie's cat, lived a wonderful life with her. He was Missy Anne's friend.
Missie Anne died on Dec. 21. She was Essie and Kevin's sweet girl--
Farewell to Wu-Ling.... He was one of our rescues who had a lot of health problems.
Tiffany and Mike's Spooky... what a sweet boy, very loving. I was able to meet him a few times. Mike and Tiffany foster for us.
Farewell to Shadow ...
Moonie with his Peke friend... this is Jessie's mom's dog and he is misssed so much.
Meng tzu, Shadow's best friend, adopted at the same time. (not the Shadow listed above)
Katie, Jim and Tenah's precious girl. She was loved so much by them, after a hard life she had before. Thank you Jim and Tenah.
Katie, who lived in England, loved by her family so much.
Jilly, dearly missed by your family.
For Lynn's special Jack, best friend to Jill, his Peke friend.
Gaby's sweet Gia-- just not here long enough.
Marilyn's Elizabeth, sweet girl, loyal friend...
Sweet Cody... lived a long life full of love.
Paige and Danni's wonderful Casey, friend to all the Pekes there.
And his friend, Paige and Danni's beloved Chi-Chi. Tiny Chi-Chi was rescued from living outside in the winter. She was pampered the rest of her life.
Hadrian, Sally and David's beloved boy..
Cherry Blossom, Terry and John's sweet girl...
Bugsy, a pug friend...
Farewell Buddy Boy. You are missed so much.
Farewell Buddy-- you weren't with us long, but you were very loved while you were here.
Farewell, sweet Bogey. You mom and dad miss you so much. You were loved greatly and will always be their boy.
Farewell, Allie (on left). You were a sweet girl and your family loved you!
Sweet Kibbles. one of my foster dogs, lived a wonderful life in NC with Cherry, his new omom/wner. He had three wonderful years with her. He was almost 16 when he died.

And to end with a grateful heart-- we adopted the following to new homes this year!! If you think of any I missed, send them to me-- I'll add their names!
Carter, Colby, Hayden, Jingles, Katrina, Leo, Peppie, Poochie, Pete, Meme, Cindy, Sam, Chubs, Sabre, Cubbie, Cookie, Sammy, RubyPolly Pocket, Matilda, Nutmeg, Tinker, Bella, Ty-Ty, Tony, Snuggy, Stitch, Kaci, Carman, Chance, Chester, Chloe, Lucy, Lacy, Ju Ju, Katie, Heather, Hope, Janey, Lexie, CoCo/Chloe, CupCake, Douggy, Duchess, Gizmo, Amelia, Amy, Anna, Merit, Maxiumus, Missy, Oscar, BB, Bella, Pax, Bernie, Penny Anne, Boo Boo, Betty, Caleb, Sugar, Tappy, Zack. Thank you to all who had a part in saving or caring for each one of these.


  1. Oh Linda, a bitter and yet sweet ending to the year.

    Many much loved dogs have passed and so many were placed in loving homes and that is a great thing to end the year on.
    Its nearly 10.oo in the evening here - not long for midnight and I just want to share with you all that are in the snow - this late at night its 100f - yes that is right and I just hope we get a cool change with rain SOON but .... the skys are clear with none of those thunder clouds!
    Would you like me to send some of my heat your way? LOL - give me some snow IN RETURN PLEASE!! LOL

    HAPPY 2011 PEKEY PEOPLE!!!! :)

  2. Wow this is a bitter sweet blog today............I always have a hard time commenting on loosing a member of the family. I know I should be prepared for it but it is just so hard to be without them. My heart is with each and everyone who has lost a member of their family and we will never forget them.
    It brings joy to my heart to see the long list of kids who found their way to wonderful lives in their furever homes. Bless each one of you that have helped them find the love they deserved.........Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks Linda for ALL you do!!! Happy New Year to you and yours, and may it be a blessed one for us all!

  4. I agree with "lady jicky". Bitter sweet...Really though more sweet when we think of the dogs saved- whether they have been adopted or are still in foster. Thanks Linda for all you do. May you have a very blessed, happy and healthy 2011.

  5. At least all the Pekes are waiting for their loveones at the rainbow bridge and we will see them again one day just like my sweet little girl Dolly.......and don't forget my big teddy bear Zack!!! He wasnt on the list of adoptees or shall I say he adopted us! We love him and so does Jazzy and Abbey.
    Thank you again for your wonderful blog, the pictures and stories allow us all to connect and if I am not having a good day I just look at your blog and even read past ones that I've already read that just make me smile.

    Have a Wonderful New Year!!!! 2011 is already going to be Fabulous I can already tell !!!!!!

  6. Zack is on the list now-- how could I forget him!? ;-)

  7. I'm not sure if I counted 62 or 63, but that is a LOT of fur-ever homes! Thanks for the work that you and Jeanne do to bring these dogs into loving homes.

    So sorry for all that lost their babies this year. It is such a hard thing to do, to let go of something that loves so purely. My thoughts are with you all.

  8. <3

    There is a picture of Max up on my blog :)
    Happy 2011!

  9. Definitely a bitter-sweet blog. Thoughts for all those who have passed and warm wishes for a happy new year in a brand new home for all the Pekes in their fur-ever homes and still waiting:)
