Thursday, December 30, 2010


Colby was one of the Bristol 18-- one of two puppies we took into rescue. He and Carter were in critical condition-- but they are fine now. Both have been adopted.
Carter is an adventurous puppy! Here he is, contemplating what he can get into next.
And calmly taking a break from his antics and play.
He was a happy boy-- and always ready to play with Carter. Don't worry, in his new home, he has plenty of dogs and people to play with.
Here is one of them-- he is a real animal lover and it's obvious with Colby. Colby is VERY relaxed!
This is his new "sister"-- she is crazy about Colby for sure!
He was all wrapped up in a blanket, sound asleep once he was there. All that travel to his new home tired him out. I'm sure he recovered quickly though!
Don't worry about Carter-- he's doing great. Here he is with RB/Rose Bud, another one of the Bristol 18. RB is so sweet and still waiting for her forever home. Is it you? Here are some videos for you to enjoy.


  1. colby looks like he has a loving home now and I love that last photo Linda!
    Sending Adoption Vibes for those two little sweets that need a great home too :)

  2. There is no cuter puppy than a Pekingese. They're Charmin!
    RB is a fantastic "Mom" to those boys! What a girl! Some one will be very lucky to have her in their lives.

  3. so cute! I love that we have been able to see the puppies grow through all the photos and your blog:)
