Monday, January 10, 2011

"Angel" Pebbles/Precious

Sometimes, we get a call to help an older Peke. You know-- those who no one wants because they are senior dogs, who have just a little time left to them. I personally wish I could help them all. They deserve to have their last years or months full of love. Many have lived without that their whole life.
When the shelter near me emailed and asked for help-- I had to say yes. They were calling this little girl "Angel" and she appeared to be just that. Sweet, loving, ready to be held. Or get a treat!
It took a little time, but she soon relaxed and then rolled over for a tummy rub. She just wanted attention. Beth and David, one of our foster families, went to visit her several times, until her "hold" period was up and we could help her.
Beth hated to leave her each time she was there, but the day came when we could get her and Beth was there before they opened! Little Angel had been given a bath there to get off all the "stuff" that was on her. She had a nice coat that would get even better with good food and some medicine (for yeast).
I met Beth at the vet with Angel. We decided to name her Pebbles-- the shelter had been calling her Angel, but we wanted her to have a fresh name. It didn't last long, but that's okay! Her new owner (yes, I had a home ready to welcome her with open arms-- she's taken several of our seniors and she is my rescue hero! Cherry is amazing with these little dogs.) Cherry decided her new name would be Precious-- because she is that! Precious has settled right in at her new home. She curled up on a bed for the night and then early in the morning, went out with the other senior dogs who are there. She was so excited-- and she's housetrained! After that, she came back in and curled up with Cherry to take a nice nap. Cherry said, " She is one wonderful dog in this world!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!" YOU ARE SO WELCOME-- WE THANK YOU!!!
Angel/Pebbles is so comfortable on a shoulder-- just ready to give love and receive it. She deserves that and more.
Christmas was over, but I'm sure it felt like Christmas for her. A new life was just beginning. If you would like to contribute to her medical costs (over $500), just go to our web site and make a donation on our paypal account. She was worth every penny we spent!


  1. Oh she is just so sweet and for some reason Linda she reminds me of my dear departed Peke called Lulu - something in the way Precious looks at you I think.

  2. Beautiful and her new new name is perfect, absolutely perfect for her!

  3. Precious looks like such a sweetheart and I'm so thankful she was adopted so quickly!
