Monday, June 27, 2011


We had a few people on our facebook ask about Rusty's Dad. For some reason, Rusty's story really touched our hearts. I'll include a connection to all the blog stories on Rusty at the end of this blog.

Rusty's legacy continues through his Dad and his Dad's students. They have a real heart to help Pekingese in our club. They made a donation by collecting coins a few months ago.

Rusty would be so proud that they continue to try to help Pekes like he was.

This time these special teens came up with the idea to have a garage sale. These students may have special needs but their heart are so full of love. I think their teacher, Rich, Rusty's Dad, must have a heart full of love, too.

Chris loved Rusty's visits to the classroom and Rusty would curl up on his lap while he worked. Dogs have incredible ability to help people-- and Rusty was one of those dogs.

Things were collected from friends and neighbors and they filled Rich's driveway. I see some things there I could have used! (Baby things!)

This sign was put up so everyone would know where the proceeds were going to. These students could have used the money themselves for a trip or a special treat-- but they didn't. They donated it all to our rescue efforts.

People came and browsed and they bought!

This is Blossom. She is a Border Collie mix who was rescued from the local shelter.

This is Cookie, an Australian Hound saying "hello" to the camera. Dogs and people alike came to the garage sale.

This special little girl was Rusty's girlfriend.

Gretchen is a Cocker Spaniel, rescued last week by one of Rich's neighbors. She loves to give kisses.

Bobby Socks is another collie mix who came to say hi.

Rusty, your legacy continues through your friends' effort to help your Pekingese breed. You had a rough beginning in life, but your life ended with love, and care, and warm beds. You were surrounded by love the entire time you were with Rich. We will never forget you. Rest in peace, sweet sweet boy.

Here are the blogs I have done on Rusty if you want to go back to see his story.


  1. Bonza Linda!!!!

    Rusty sure has touched many people !

  2. What a fantastic group of students Rich has:)

  3. What a sweetheart Rusty was - My boy is 13 1/2 now. He's got an enlarged heart too and is on Vasotec (just like me!) but his blood work looks good and even though he sleeps more now, I'm hopeful to have another few good years with him - only one just never can tell! Every day I have him is a gift!

  4. Such a heartwarming story! Love that the dogs were helping too.
    What a blessing Rich's students are to the Peke Rescue!

    Doris, that is so true ~ every day with your beloved peke is a gift to cherish! I just lost my almost 13 yr. old pom, Mocha, to congestive heart failure this past Saturday...

  5. Karin, I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet Pom, Mocha!!
