Thursday, July 7, 2011


Meet Mr. Jack. We received emails about this Peke who was in a very small rural shelter. The shelter workers did all they could, but their budget was extremely limited.

They rented a barn from a farmer, and this is where the animals were kept. The cages were clean and they all had food and fresh water--

They tried to trim Jack down. They wanted him to be comfortable. They obviously have a heart for the animals there, and do what they can for them. But, they needed rescue to step in.

Paige picked him up and took him home with her. She was on a trip and made this part of her itenerary. Thank you, Paige!

He needs to be vetted, and have his eyes and ears checked. He needs to be groomed to get him looking and feeling better. He is very sweet and devoted to Paige and Danni.

He's had quite a journey into rescue, but now he's safe and can rest easy. He's not a youngster, but still full of love to give. If you would like more information on him, please watch our web site and email us if you are interested in adopting him.


  1. What a lovely old boy he looks but he seems so tired and depressed to me in the photos - well, I would be too but now he is with you and will have your help I bet we will see a much happier dog soon Linda!

    * it was really nice of that small shelter to care and try to help him. There is a special place in heaven for those people :)

  2. OH, what a sweetheart and he does need to be cheered up again somehow - maybe in time he'll be able to "smile" again :-)

    Thanks for all you do!

  3. Kudos to the shelter for doing all they can with the little resources they have! Yay for Jack getting a great foster home:)

  4. He looks so precious and sweet. Is he keeping his eye shut or just sleepy? Sounds like the small shelter did everything they could to make Jack comfortable, bless their hearts.
