Friday, July 8, 2011


Remember Tippy? She came into rescue after her owner died. We were told she was a Peke-- but she isn't. However, she thinks she's a Peke now, since she's living with Clarence. Whatever she is, she is one sweet girl!

She is about ten, and loved her owner, but she adjusted quickly to her foster home and is very laid back and easy going. She is also housetrained and loves just hanging out with Clarence.

She and Clarence had a summer cut yesterday. Clarence was so happy and wanted to show us his adorable smile! Clarence was adopted from us and his mom decided to help us some with fostering. I'm so glad she did. She has a calm spirit and is wonderful with the dogs she has helped.

Tippy is giving us a side view of her new haircut.

And here is a closer look. Clarence is just vegging in the yard with her.

I know there is a home out there for this precious girl to spend the rest of her life. If you are interested in her, please email us at (I know Melinda in Australia would take her in a heartbeat!)


  1. You bet your buns I'd take her but.... how many frequent flyer points does Miss Tippy have????

    Wouldn't she be a lovely match with my kenzo for I think there could be some Maltese and some Shih Tzu in Missy Tippy - just like there is in Kenzo!

  2. She is such a cutie:) I'm glad that she and Clarence are buddies!
