Friday, August 12, 2011


The dogs are wondering "WHERE YOU YOU STARLIGHT?" Just wait-- you will all know soon.

I had to post these pictures I just took. We were out "in the middle of nowhere" when a storm came upon us.

There is just something so beautiful and almost majestic about a storm.
This was in the distance, but it didn't take long to reach us. I had my husband pull the car over (Crazy woman that I am), so I could take pictures.

It was stunning to watch it coming. (Mike and Jojo, what do you think of my pictures? Mike does incredible pictures.)

You can tell it's getting closer. I wanted to share the beauty. Starlight wanted you to see them, too. She's not afraid of storms-- unlike Cranberry and Scooter (and Jojo!). So, in a storm, she is just fine. (You'll know where Starlight is in a few days!)


  1. Are those all your babies? They're precious! I talked to my Apt. Manager and she said I can have a second dog...YEAH! Now I just have to find one Gizzy will approve because he's the boss in this house LOL

  2. Doris, some are mine, some fosters. All precious!

  3. Oh Doris ---- you going to get another dog!!!

  4. Love all the Pekes in the pic!
