Sunday, September 25, 2011


Domino came into rescue in August. He was very scared and hates being alone.

He loves children. (Now understand that toddlers don't always qualify haha-- I have a one year old grandson and Pekes don't necessarily like to have their hair pulled.)

Domino loves to have you nearby and is ready to be on your lap.

If he's not near you, he might give this sorrowful face. Domino loves to race in the yard with his Peke friends. The more the merrier!

Or he just might smile when you let him in. He does have some anxiety which we are working on. But, if you want a devoted friend, this might just be the one!


  1. Domino's personality sounds just like my Ozzie's ~ anxious and always wanting to be near you, but in your lap is even better. A real people dog that everyone falls in love with! Domino is a beautiful peke!
