Saturday, September 24, 2011


Peking came into rescue in October of 2006. He was left in a shelter by his owner who said he was too old to take care of.

Peking was so sweet at the shelter. He would follow people around and be content just to have someone nearby. He just wanted to be someone's best boy. We thought Peking was about 8 years old. That's not old for a Peke.

Peking was adopted and lived five years with his owner. This is his owner's favorite picture of him. He had just been to the groomer and he had red bows in. Peking thought this was very undignified, but it was still cute and Peking, sweet boy that he was, went along with it.

His owner, Susan, misses her boy so much and we are so sorry. Rest in peace, Peking. You were greatly loved, sweet boy.


  1. Oh what a sweet man Peking was and I was so happy he had a lovely home in the end :)

    * I love those red bows! :)

  2. I'm so sorry, Susan. Your Peking was a special boy and I'm so grateful he had a loving home for many years after he was dropped off.

  3. Very sorry, let your fondest memory be that for 5yrs you gave him a happy life, bows and all
