Saturday, January 7, 2012


Christmas at Cherry's house was an adventure-- Tiffany decided to get into the Bojangles' box-- don't worry, she was fine. But, she sniffed some left over chicken and biscuits in there! The problem was that she couldn't get her head out of the box. I love fried chicken and biscuits (just ask my husband!), so I can understand why Tiffany wanted to get every bit of it.

Lovie is a Peke who is blind, but Cherry adopted her and just adores her. Lovie took a long time to trust Cherry. Who knows what she went through, but she is comfortable there and knows she is loved. Cherry has an incredible gift to help the older Pekes. She just showers love and care on them and gives them a place to live their life.

Sweet Weezie girl. She was one of my foster dogs who was found wandering down a highway. She was older then, and found her forever home with Cherry. She adopted Weezie in late 2008, and even though Weezie doesn't see or hear well now, she knows she is in a loving and safe home.

And this is Muffin! She was also one of my fosters. She came in heartworm positive and went through treatment here before going to live with Cherry. That was a blessed event for me, because it was at that point that Cherry and I became friends. Muffin is the queen there, and she knows it. :-)

Little Precious came from animal control near me. Beth and David fostered her. She doesn't see well, but that is just fine at Cherry's house. Cherry adores this little senior girl and will make sure she lives her life with everything she needs.

And here's Tiffany again -- the Bojangles' girl. She came through our rescue when her owners near me (who had taken her from a Craiglist ad) could no longer keep her. She was filthy and covered with fleas and she certainly needed help. Now, her hair is clean and healthy and she is much loved. I know all the dogs at Cherry's had a wonderful Christmas!!

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