Sunday, January 8, 2012


Theodora was one of our foster dogs in 2005. She was 8-9 when she came into rescue, so is about 14-15 years old now. You wouldn't know it though. She loves to be a helper- and here she is helping to unwrap the presents.

Here she was shortly after being adopted. She had been at a shelter and still needed good nutrition and some weight put on her. She was a sweet girl though and fit right into her new family.

J.R., her 7-8 year old brother, was looking for more presents to unwrap, but Theo was fine just resting after the busy morning. She had a treat and a bow beside her. Her mom said she likes sparkly things. A girl at heart! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh there is nothing like a twinkle - Theodora knows that diamonds are a girls best friend! LOL !!!
