Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is Patrick. He is three years old and his mom just moved to Maryland. Patrick needs a new home because his daddy died and his mom can't take care of him anymore.Patrick weighs 16 pounds and is a very sweet Pekingese. He had an accident and one of his eyes has been removed, but it hasn't changed his sweet personality. He had a summer cut in March, so his hair will be a little longer. His hair on his face will also grow back in and you won't be able to see his scar-- you'll just think he's winking at you! (Remember to wink back, it may be some kind of code. :-) ) If you are interested in Patrick, please email us!


This is Lyra-- she is a young (one year old) miniature American Eskimo and she needs a new home. She weighs about 18 pounds, in knee-high and a ball of fur. Lyra is active and playful, loves her toys (and doesn't always want to share), but she wants attention and love. She can use a doggy door and can also jump baby gates. She is very young, and very trainable. She quickly learned to sit for a piece of food. She did not work out in the home she went to because she would play and accidentally knock over the other little dog-- he has one leg so couldn't keep his balance. If you can give this little one a home, or know someone who can, please email me at


Beau-Beau and Lolli-pop are two of the sweetest foster dogs. They were with me awhile and then went to their foster home. They both love it there!His foster moms ordered bulbs from our fund raiser last year-- and they said they "grew a Pekingese." haha Looks like Beau-Beau has a fun place to sit. I have the same ivy in my yard. Maybe he thought he came back here. Beau-Beau's ears and tail are growing out and he is such a beauty.The red bed is very popular there. Even Tori, the Doberman, likes it the best of all the beds there.Tori, I don't think you fit and I can see a Pekingese there waiting for you to get out of it. :-)Lolli-pop is usually in the red bed-- are you finished with it, Tori? Lolli-pop is a love-bug and just a hoot. She loves to play and run with the rest, but if no one is available, her red bed will do just fine as a toy. Here she is running with her friends Domino and Maggie. Click here: - YouTube Maybe it's empty now! I see Tori in front of the window. She doesn't have to stretch at all to see outside. Don't worry, Beau-Beau. Maybe they'll get you an ottoman. Or you can just go look out the back-- it's fun there, too.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This is Joan's precious Qiu Qiu. (pronounced Cho Cho) Joan had him since he was 2 years old and he died of cancer at 15 years and 2 months old. Qiu Qiu was the heart of Joan's life and she is devastated. We are so sorry for her loss. Rest in peace, sweet Qiu Qiu.


We arrived at the shelter to get this one-- and they knew we were coming, but he wasn't there. Seven hours of driving (and lots of gas) -- I want to thank our volunteer for trying. Most shelters make sure a dog they commit to us is there for us to take into rescue. Thank goodness, this doesn't happen often.


Shiner was in rescue for awhile with our vet in Roanoke. His new owners call him the "practically perfect Papillon." Look at him resting on the couch. Very comfortable!


Look at Maddy! He's in his new home now. He dad spent a whole week-end pressure washing the desk and getting every thing ready for Maddy to come live there.Maddy is now exploring his new home and seeing what is there for him. We're so excited for all of them!


Peaches came into rescue last November. The shelter asked us to help her because she wasn't doing well there. She's been adopted and now lives with her parents and is loving her life. They love here, too-- just look at her outfit! (Don't show Desi, Lucinda. She may want one just like it!)She is a very content Peke now. She lays around and plays with her toys-- it's a laid-back life.She likes to rest on the couch-- with her head on a pillow.....A toy will do also.Or just resting her head on her paws is comfortable.Just burrowing into the couch or chair is a comfortable place to nap.Look out, Peaches, you're going to fall of.Yes, they're still taking your picture.Now you're really snuggling up. You're all covered up and ready for a snooze. I know you must do more than nap though. Tell your parents to send me more pictures of your adventures. I know you enjoyed meeting people at the picnic and loved having people tell you how pretty and sweet you are. Just keep sending us pictures! We love hearing how you are doing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I want to thank those people who sent a note to the groomer in Abingdon, VA who groomed Gizzy and refused to be paid for it. She received SEVEN thank you notes-- one came from Australia she said. I know who that was!! Thanks, Melinda, and all who sent the notes. Here is the original blog: Click here: Must
Love Pekes: GIZZY


I have said this before, but it needs repeating. Only buy your flea and tick preventative from your vet. They have quality, tested-safe products. I have heard many reports on Hartz products, and they have caused chemical burns on dogs/cats and even death. Please only use medications and topical treatments from your vet. Your pet is too valuable to use less expensive "short cuts."


Desi, our model Pekingese, and her friend Cassidy, spent Memorial Day last year having fun. Desi sent me the pictures to share with all of you since we just had Memorial Day. I didn't realize this used to be called Decoration Day-- it was changed in the 1960's. Did you know that? Desi was sitting on the deck, looking out on the water. She really wanted to go kayaking. She has a life preserver just for her.Desi told me she "let her hair down a little to play in the water without any clothes on, but it was okay because she was on her very own island and nobody was around."
She also said that she "may look like a fragile little Diva, but I am a tomboy at heart and love to bike and kayak-- letting her Dad do all the paddling and letting him carry her when she gets tired of walking."Cassidy navigates for her mom. Desi wrote me an email, and she told me that. Cassidy and Desi are very good at navigating. I'm sure their parents would get lost without them doing such a good job.I think Desi is pushing the kayak off-- ready to go!"I'm ready!"Here she is with her Dad-- And she's doing a very good job.She has more adventures-- and outfits!-- than any dog I know. She is making sure there are no obstacles on the water. I think it's safe.And the trip is over. Time to get out and go home.I know she had a great time--she's going to let me know if they were able to go again this year. I wonder if her outfits have changed. Did she get a new life preserver? (Right after these pictures were taken, someone dared to paddle past Desi's island and she had to chase them away. She already had her life preserver off, and she ran into deep water over her head before her mom grabbed her. Her mom was sure she was going to have to do CPR on the spot-- she's a veterinarian, so she knows how-- but Desi was fine. No pictures were taken, which made Desi happy, because she wouldn't want her fans to see her dripping wet!)

Monday, May 28, 2012


Look who's been adopted! Someone came to the vet in Roanoke and saw Newton-- they fell in love.Now Newton can run and play in his new home! We're so happy for him.


Lulu was adopted and she now lives in Maryland with her new mom. Her mom's husband was killed while serving in our military. She is now the proud fiance of a military man and is proud of them both. My first husband died while serving in the Navy. I was very proud to be a military child (my dad was Air Force for 30 years), a military wife. Most of you who know me have met my second husband, Matt. I have been blessed twice!Lulu with Sassy Marie before she was adopted-- she loved being at Jeanne's house.Lulu has a yard and toys and children who adore her now.She loves to snuggle with them in the yard-- and also in bed at night. On Memorial Day, I want to honor those who served, who gave their time and some who gave their lives. There were also military dogs who served and gave their lives that this marker honors. Let us take time to remember.....