Sunday, May 13, 2012


Essie and Kevin's sweet boy Deanie passed over the Rainbow Bridge. He was 14 years old and came from a rescue in Florida. Essie fell in love with Deanie, who was a "true challenge"-- but sometimes, that just makes us love them more. Essie held him all day and let him know he was very loved. She said she wondered if there was more she could have done-- but knowing how much Essie and Kevin love their pets, I don't think more could have been done. She is heartbroken, but her little man is now at peace.You had a wonderful life with your mom and dad. Rest in peace, sweet Deanie.


  1. It is important that they were there and in his last moments in this world he knew he was not alone and was loved. He is waiting.

  2. So very sorry for your loss. He had a wonderful life with you and is waiting:)

  3. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

  4. Thank you all for thinking of us and our little Deanie. He was so very dear to me and he came out of the shell he was in and even though he only loved his momma Kevin understood him and loved him so......

  5. Essie and Kevin - So sorry about the loss of your little Deanie. I know he had a loving and happy life with you. May he romp and play with my Pekes at the Rainbow Bridge. RIP little Deanie.
