Thursday, October 4, 2012


 You all know I take care  of Beach Bit, my grandson.  He is two years  old now and BUSY.    I take my hat off to moms of boys.    Wow.  
 He loves playgrounds, and tricycles, and dogs, and trains, and airplanes, and helicopters...... everything!    And he keeps me busy.
I'm tired at the end of the day-- my daughter sent me this, and it's so true!!    So, if you email me and don't get a response, it's probably because my brain is in "mush mode" and my eyes have a glazed look in them.    I'll eventually get back to you-- just not as fast. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Bit is getting big!!

    My grandchild Frida is 2 and just like the Bit!!!

    I am exhausted after a visit !!LOL
